
Who was your favourite James Bond: Craig, Brosnan, Dalton, Moore, Connery, Lazenby, David Niven, Woody Allen?

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Who was your favourite James Bond: Craig, Brosnan, Dalton, Moore, Connery, Lazenby, David Niven, Woody Allen?




  1. Roger, stirred not shaken!

  2. Moore, i grew up when he was on

    Thumbs down for everyone then?

  3. Brosnan, he was a great Jame's Bond!

  4. I personally like pierce Brosnan because he was fun and had sense humour, maybe cos he is Irish also, just like him as find him entertaining.

  5. Brosnan.

  6. I'm torn between Connery and Craig

    I detested Bosnan

  7. Connery has to be the best.

    Craig is second, didn't think he would be good,but he played the part great

    Brosnan is 3rd

  8. Sean Connery by far was the best James Bond he was everyones  favourite James Bond he also was my favorite James Bond he was the original i think the only actor that comes close to Sean Connery is Daniel Craig is he doing very well as James Bond i think after Daniel Craig finishes playing James Bond i think either Clive Owen or Hugh Jackman should be the next James Bond

  9. Either Connery or Brosnan. From the films I've seen of James Bond with those two actors, they are amazing. Daniel Craig doesn't really tickle my fancy. Casino Royale was a major let down.

  10. Connery without a doubt that s**y scottish accent.

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