
Who was your worst / scary nightmare ?

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Who was your worst / scary nightmare ?




  1. i dreamt that a doctor told me that i can't get pregnant and my husband is impotent...

    hopefully it's not true...huhu

  2. you were my worst nightmare mr show time. you haunt my day and scare me off the night.

  3. i have aa lot of nightmare... like everynight.. it wont stop...

  4. ghost around me!!urgh!!scary!!siot!!

  5. The one with a voice telling me to beg him for freedom. It was completely dark and I'm pretty sure I wasn't really asleep. I was totally frozen, unable to move or wake up. But I managed a scream which woke hubby up and in turn, woke me up, crying.

  6. im almost being hit by a bus that moving toward me at 100km per hour.. luckily, im awake just before the bus hit me.. i wake up sweat all over my body..

    PEACE =D

  7. I once had a dream that I was with my best friend and some other girls, and we got kidnapped by a bunch of guys, they took us back to their house, but they put us in like separate cubicles, like the toilet ones, but it was just without a toilet. One of the guys grabbed a girl and took her upstairs, and raped her, and then he came down for my best friend. I seen him grab her so I tried to break out and I was screaming and crying as loud as I could, and my best friend kept trying to fight him off. He then took her upstairs and raped her. He never came for me, and I eventually broke free. I ran upstairs to where my best friend was and when I walked in, she was covered in blood and bruised. We eventually escaped, and couldn't find the other girl

  8. talking bananas!!!!!

  9. When I was a kid, I dreamed that Fred, Barney and Dino were really mean...evil in fact. They put me in this one spot and told me not to move, then started to build a tiny igloo type room around me with bricks. I'll never forget the horrible looks on their faces and the sardonic laughter, even as I tried in vain to invoke the wrath of Wilma and Betty by loudly begging them to stop being so mean to a little girl. I couldn't sleep without a light on for a month!

    Yeah...probably scarred me for life. Who knows how it will manifest!

  10. Finding out I'm pregnant and my boyfriend leaving me.  I'm so scared that its going to happen.

  11. I was finally with Bon Jovi (don't ask me what we were doing) when suddenly ... bang ! my parents walked in...

  12. I was swimming in a pool with my best friend, when out of nowhere I felt an incredible pressure on my back. As I was under water, I looked up and saw someone was holding me down trying to drown me. I saw my best friend on the other end of the pool underwater as well. I yelled at him to help me but he just sat there watching me.

  13. When I was much younger I had this recurrent dreams of a crowd of apes chasing after me and my family with fire batons. We would hid whereever we could and suddenly the scene would change to the apes being locked in my primary school and we humans are free. The nightmare was same everytime. After a while I just got used to it.

    Then when I had a relationship breakdown, I dreamt of very bad things. Like I killed someone. My sister poisoned someone. My sister died. Me alive in a coffin. I have left all baggage behind and I do not have much of nightmares anymore.  

  14. Moby D*ick flooded my hotel while singing O Canada.

    Well, it scared me when I dreamed it!

    Actually, either the dream where I turned my sister into an alien because I made her a sandwich in my gym clothes or when a giant gecko crushed my school and squashed all the kids might beat it out for first.

    When can I just have a normal dream?

    P.S. I am NOT making up those dreams.

  15. a guy whom i've never seen before and dont even know him...thats pretty can i dreamt of someone that i've never met or seen before??? i wonder if the guy was ever exist...hahaha...

  16. i used to dream about caskets floating in a beautiful lake all the time when i was young and finally one day it ended.

  17. Freddie Cooger on Nightmare on Elm street.

  18. Falling into a deep hole. Then I literally jumped up from my dream

  19. it was like a moment of SAW .. the horror movie

    but not really saw

    all my friends n me were there out in the woods

    blood was evrywhere

    u just cant imagine

    there was this moment when i wanted to help my friend up

    n then this live tractor came n squished my friends leg .. blood was just YA ALLAH

    n i woke up like crazy thinkin about it for a looong time

    n no , im not lying , i SWEAR

  20. No nightmare comes close to the worst real-life nightmare i've gone through in this lifetime.:(

  21. i was naked school...and not properly fluffed

  22. I was in a room Sort of like a courtroom setting. My Dad, Brother and a bunch of other people I don't know were there. . Everything is dead quiet. A fog starts to fill the room, something like stage fog on music stages. It fills the room clears and everyone is gone.All that remain is a note in front of me reserved.  My Dad passed away in 1976 and my brother in 1977. I wake up in cold sweats every time.

  23. um batman cut my throat because i beat up robin and dogs were chasing me

  24. A kitty jumping out of a banana.  Love honey

  25. Something involving vampires. I shudder at the thought of it. Everything was as normal as life and then suddenly someone near me turns into a vampire. No one noticed the change except me, and there was no use in me calling for help.

  26. Oh my gosh when i was 11 i had a dream i came out of the convenient store and my mom was by the car and both her legs were cut off and lying a few feet away and she asked me if i could get them for her.. i'll never forget it.. i had that nightmare like 20 times.. ugh.

  27. When my grandma woke up and tried to kill me.....It was scary because she died the next day

  28. long as i've lived, i've experienced and stil remeber 2 of my worst nightmare vividly.

    !st dream : when i was in my 5th standard, i dreamed about my friend. in my dream, my friend jumped from a double-bed and landed head first to the cement ground. the scary part is that, her head went through the floor, leaving only her body wriggling in the air, until she died slowly. Goosebumps......

    2nd dream : 2 of my grandpas and a cousin of mine passed away like almost 2 months ago. So, 2 weeks ago i had this dream of all of them.

    I was sitting in this empty room. Suddenly, my 1st grandpa appeared and brought me to this somewhat old museum. He let me to play with some very old things like ancient irons, blenders etc. When he thought that i've had enough, he brought me to a circular room. There, to the shock of my life, there were my 2nd grandpa and my cousin, waiting for me to join them. They were smiling and were all in white garments. Then, suddenly my friend awakes me from my sleep and dream vanished just like that.

  29. about one and half year ago i dream of almost having s*x with a GUY! ... i wonder why that stupid dream came to me ... i have no desire or lust on man... yucks and that dream is my worst nightmare ... fakkkk!

  30. ...i had this weird dream last week... left arm is full of warts.. was very ugly and urghhhhh!!!....

    ...then suddenly from these warts...beautiful flowers bloom and finally the warts totally disappear...

    ...i took it tat i might have used my left hand for activities yang berdosa...but (waaaaaaa...wailing)...hoping by tat God has forgiven me.....

  31. My family, cats, friends, girlfriend and my neighbors died.  

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