
Who watches Naruto and why do u?

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Who watches Naruto and why do u?




  1. hmm Otaku's watches Naruto and people that just like action I guess. I personally don't like it because its really long to begin with and its being sooo popular that it is sensationalized.

    BTW, LOVE SHUGO CHARA! :) Nice icon!!  

  2. i watch it but idk why though its just good =)

  3. Little brother watches it on TV... and steals my watching time... being forced to watch with him (>_<。)

  4. Each individual character in the story has their own story.. all very different and similar in so many ways. The storyline is great and the action is as well.

  5. hmm..I would say i watch it because it has reaaaallly good character developement. compared to a whole bunch of other animes/mangas in which the characters are all like "i think you're annoying oh wait i love you", or "bwuahaha im evil", here the romantic interests actually make sense (eh for the most part XD), and the bad guys get their justification as well. and also, while its true that Naruto is like the most mainstream of all mainstream, thats what makes it easy to converse about with your less anime-familiar friends. at least if you're blabbering on about naruto, people would have a clue, as opposed to the usual 'chocolate cosmos? what's that??!!?'

    XD i hope that made any sense at all!

  6. i watch naruto........ it's addicting

  7. I only watch it with u! hehe =P

  8. I watch and read Naruto I like it because of the action that is shows as well as the story behind it.

  9. I DO!!!! i watch it because of a certaiin character, xDDDD

  10. Naruto is so awesome! I guess I love it because of...KAKASHI! (Nkumbu please don't kill me) okay, there are other reasons, but pinpointing them ALL would take FOREVER! So I'll just say that Naruto is a great show and I love everything about it =D

  11. i watch naruto cause its a good anime/manga. its got lots of action, good storyline and its funny.

  12. I like Naruto because...well...I don't really know.

  13. I do, because its good story and characters.

  14. I don't watch this show. It looks stupid and violent. No offense to people who like it, that's just my opinion.

  15. i watch it because i really like the story and the action in it. plus i think naruto is super cute :D i yearn to make love to him :O

  16. Well, idk really... 0___e

    If you watch anime... then Naruto must be in one of the list of the animes that you watch... maybe coz Naruto is so popular... coz most anime fans watch Naruto...


  17. Me Me Me! I started watching and I can't stop. I saw a funny episode at T.V. and then I saw 200 episodes on youtube, then 30 on dignaruto, then the rest i am still watching them on myspace

  18. Well.... I watch Naruto... just for the sake of being caught up with it... I'm liek 2 episodes behind right now though. >_>"

    Personally I prefer the manga... or liek not watching it at all... but it makes me feel bad when I drop Animes after I've already sat through all 220 episodes of the first season. =_="

  19. i watch it...because i got really hooked in the story..

    funny story how i started watching was all because i got grounded..good things come to those who are punished..hehe

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