
Who wears the pants in the Obama-Biden marriage?

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I think Biden does especially since Obama has many of Michelle's nice dresses to choose from.




  1. Biden for sure!

  2. well im hoping they are both wearing pants...

  3. Neither, they both have panties on.

  4. I think Biden will because he is the one with experience.

  5. I think they'll be showing some Leg to Putin in an effort to get him to tell the tanks to turn around in Jan

    Blue Collar for McCain

  6. But does Biden wear them backwards?

  7. Obama, but he pees in them.

  8. I've never seen either in a skirt...

  9. I agree, Biden is the guy in this political bromance.

  10. No, it's actually kind of funny seeing Biden prostrate himself before Obama on the topic of the primary and stuff like that. The opposite of Hillary. It was clear when I was watching an interview with the two of them. Obama's obviously going to be in the driver's seat. But after 4 years maybe Biden will get annoyed. Who knows.

  11. Obama wears the panties

  12. I don't care who is wearing pants, but we do know who is holding the checkbook in the McCain family!  

  13. they both wear skirts and will be irans b*tch

  14. I think Michelle's dresses might be a bit large through the shoulders for Biraq. lol!

  15. Obama is clearly the leader, with Biden as a strong counsel.

    Why is that the opposing party's people have to be evil? I do not perceive McCain or Palin as evil.

    How about focusing on the very real issues our nation has, how to best solve them and who would best do so?


  16. Sounds like alot of you guys and gals are idiots! Grow up, you type of people make me sick! Obama and Biden are very respectable men! Give them the respect they deserve! If this is the kind of intelligence the Republican party has to offer we all now understand why the country is is the turmoil its in! Grow up and get a life! Take all of your negative energy and time, stop wasting it and use it for good! You should be making these serious decisions about this election with your brain and not your ignorant way of thinking! I don't exactly like McCain-Palin but I do respect them! I guess that makes me a better man than you! Grow up and be a real (American Man!)!!!!!!!!!

  17. I pick Biden

  18. I wasn't aware that the two of them were married and they are running for President you really got to lay off the crack pipe dude

  19. I'll assume they both wear pants. Which brings to mind another Question..... Who wears the diapers in the Mc/Pal union? Mc or Pal's baby??????

  20. Did you see "60 Minutes" last night?

    Kroft asked Obama a question.

    No sooner had Obama finished one sentence, Biden moved in, put his arm around Obama's shoulder and TOOK OVER.

    He started going on and on as Biden always does in that I'm-smarter-than-everybody way of his.

    The look on Obama's face was WTF priceless!

    Like he wanted to slap Biden for taking over the interview.

    He physically pulled Biden's arm off his shoulder and moved away.

    Biden didn't even notice the body language.

    I'd have loved to have heard the "conversation" after that meeting.


    This is Obama's own fault for never showing up for work in the Senate.

    He must be the only person in Washington who doesn't know about Biden.

  21. OMG..both I hope! *cringes*  

  22. Im thinking it's curly joe. He has Barack hog tied. Biden knows he

    is the strength of the ticket.  So while in public and gatherings Obama

    will get to look presidential. While all along in the behind the scenes

    land the decisions are being made by Biden. This was the deal Soros

    made with Biden. You call all the serious shots and I'll keep the monkey on the chain.  

  23. Biden.  The issue is that when people are sucking your xxxxxxxxxx they don't bother to check your pants.

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