
Who wears the pants in your house hold?

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Who wears the pants in your house hold?




  1. He has one leg in and I have the other. We discuss decisions and communicate...that is the way a marriage should be.  If he or I am in a pinch we make the best possible decision with the information at hand and trust each other to make the correct decision. If it ends up not being correct....that's just the way it one is perfect. Married 31 years.

  2. My partner and I swap them!!

    Well..........only figuratively!

    It depends upon what we are dealing with and the mood. Today, my partner feels low and I am wearing the pants, making the decision about when to be decisive etc.

    Other days it may be me that is hazy and indecisive.

    Also. she can earn more than me!

  3. me I just let him think hes boss......i let him win the niggly battles but I win the big ones.  There really isnt that many battles though

  4. Me and my husband are equal...

  5. My hubby.

  6. Household is one word Aussie Male. You think you're so macho and tough. Do you have some woman under your foot and asked this to show her up? You're weak.

  7. I do I run it much more efficiently plus I was raised he was had,the things that are common sense to me are foreign to him.

  8. Mum for sure. Dad likes to pretend he does but none of us listen to him

  9. We both do and the skirts too.I am disabled and not healthy or physically reliable enough to work every day. My wife has a regular daily job.Sometimes she cooks and does the dishes but mostly I do. Since I am home I vacuum and take care of the pets.When I can I do the yard and work on the SUV too.Laundry we both hate equally so we do it together.She handles the money per agreement.I do most of the driving.

  10. both my partner and i do

  11. My husband, but I tell him which ones to wear.

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