
Who went Tobago Jazz Festival?

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Unfortunately I could not spend lavishly of entertainment! (nor could I have found a rich man to do likewise) I guess Whitney Houston was one of the most anticipated artistes in the line up - and boy from reports she was disapointing!

Check out the link below




  1. I en go no way. an I glad because from what ah hear, I might ah wah back mih money!

  2. I could find better use for my money.

    Dem come here and snobbing we. Tuh a$$ with dem. Who Diana Ross and Whitney feel dem is? Eh want de ppl tuh see dem or get too close, yet dey want we money.

  3. dem d**n lucky i didnt go...I woulda be in d front row with some rotten tomatoes and baigan waitin patiently to pelt down dey *** for singin c**p!

  4. lets see:

    The president and his wife

    The honourable Mrs. Manning

    Dr. and Mrs. Rowley.....

    ohhhhh, yuh want to know who from d posse went? girl, i looking for dat same rich ole man, but he hiding. soo when ah find him, ah go organise ah all inclusive lime for we to see whitney sing 7 songs and walk way with all we money.

  5. No I cudn't go :(

    LMAOOO @ whitney saying I love you Trinidad, but she was in Tobago!!! HAHAHHA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  6. i did not attend due to cost as the same feed back that whitney houston was disappointing.

  7. dread yuh have to take ah loan to go jazz in 'Bago now.

    Whitney should take the $3 M and go back to rehab.

    So yuh lookin for ah rich man .... watch now LOL

  8. i wish i cuda go, but the paisa cud do more constructive things for me.

    sooo, i jus read it all in the papers.

    ah wonder is youtube go have any clips, yuh know how ppl is with they camera phone!

  9. Ah eh gone, but ah woulda like tuh see Shakira and she performance.

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