
Who were our ancestors?

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I get that we're distant cousins of the chimpanzees, but what did we evolve from? I mean before the Homo erectus (or whatever early human it was). Which animal was it? Does that animal still exist?




  1. God created the our ancestors are Adam and Eve no monkey no gorillas nothign we come from God and only God dont belive everything science says!

  2. Adam and Eve where

  3. wow this never crossed my mind

  4. supposedly apes because their dna is most like ours

  5. The first anatomically modern humans emerged about 100,000 years ago, though humans today are somewhat morphologically different than those that were living 100,000 years ago. Humans are the latest (and currently last) of a long line of hominins, which is the scientific name for the group of bipedal primates from which we are descended and to which we belong. Among the most famous species of extinct hominins are Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy is one example), and Australopithecus Africanus. Basically, you can say that our closest ancestors walked on two legs, and had a brain size that went from small to large over the past several million years. Over that period of time, our ancestors lost many ape-like features and derived more features that we associate with humans today. Diets and environments also changed, and our ancestors became endurance runners, tool-users, fire-makers, and food-growers. This is a pretty simple discussion, but there's plenty of info out there if you want to explore further! Hope this helps!

  6. Yes, that explains my hairy body.  Dammit.

  7. the only thing i dont understand, is if we did evolve from monkeys, how come we have monkeys and humans to this day? where are the neatherthals? homo erectuss ppl? how come we dont have them?

  8. Well first there was Adam and Eve. Ancestors are the people who died before us in the 1800"s that were apart of our family.

  9. we came from an animal similar to an ape who crawls using feet and hands,then we mature to walking upright,thats why our ancestors were called homo erectus,and from there we all evolve into what we are now

  10. Tsk tsk. I thought you were a lot brighter than to fall for that old line.

    Humans evolving from animals???

    Give me a break!!!

    In case you hadn't noticed, everything on this earth re-produces after its own kind.

  11. Your Pa and your Ma, and before them your grandpa and your grandma and so on and on...

  12. I thought Adam and Eve were our ancestors :P

  13. The line of descent, although there is still some speculation, is very well defined. We didn't evolve from "an animal."  It has been a gradual progress over millions of years and many animals.  However, the "missing link" has been found many times over.  Look at any science book on evolution.

    Hint: it's not in the bible.

  14. Bipedal primates.

  15. I always believed we came from Big Foot. But then i also believed that elvis went back in time and my sister got knocked up by aliens, so chances are i'm not right.

  16. satan tried to make humans but screwed up and made monkeys DUH

  17. Wow so many naive creationists.

    Before Homo erectus came the Paranthropus genus and before that came Australopithecus genus.

    They were ancestors of chimpanzees. No these animals don't exist anymore.

    Wikipedia has heaps of good information.


  18. As far as I know, that would be what they consider "the missing link".  So no they have not found it...yet, but science is an ever evolving field.

  19. no one knows.. its what you believe in. god might of created us. but personally i dont agree with that. i dont know what i agree with actually.

  20. well my social studies teacher told me something about an old black chick named Eve who lived in Africa and she was our first ancestor...oh idk.

  21. we were made by god, but we are all 1 billionth African

  22. ditto kanwar

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