
Who were some women warriors from ancient times from across the World?

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I have heard of Queen Bodacea, Kahina,Cleopatra and Joan of Arc. Can anyone tell me more about these people i said and others




  1. ick

  2. Look them up on wiki if you want... Joan of Arc wasn't all that ancient though.

  3. It depends where you are I know Baba Yaga and Tracey are from North America.

  4. Oh, that's a tough question to answer, because there were so many!  the following are just a few of my favourites, but there are many, many others.

    The courageous Trung sisters of Vietnam fought against the Chines in the 1st century AD. Trung Trac and Trung Nhi personally trained thirty-six women as generals for their army of eighty thousand.  In Ad 40 the Trung sisters led their warriors in the liberation of sixty-five Vietnamese towns.  The chinese governor fled Vietnam, and Trung Trac was proclaimend Trung Vuong "she-king Truang."  The battles with the chinese waged constantly over the next several years until, in Ad 43, the chinese recaptured Vietnam.  Rather than be taken by the chinese, the Trung sisters committed suicide.

    Another queen who, like Boudicca, rebelled against roman rule was Zenobia, who lived in the 3rd century AD. She was Queen of Palmyra, in Asia Minor, but she extended her rule over all of Syria and attempted to establish complete independence from Rome.  By 270 she controlled Egypt and much of Asia Minor.  She was finally taken captive in romen in 273 where she was pardoned, married a Roman senator and lived the life of a Roman matron.

    Aethelflaed 'the Ladyof the Mercians' was daughter of  King Alfred the Great of Wessex, and ruled Mercia jointly with her husband Ethelred until his death in 911.  She and Ethelred fought the invading Danes who had occupied Mercia throughout their reign.  After her husband's death Aetheflaied continued to fight the Danes.  She repaired the Roman walls of Chester and developed fortress towns, such as Warwick and Stafford.  Her forces were critical to the success of her brother, King Edward of Wessex, over the Vikings in eastern England.  During her war against the Danes she commanded the capture of the towns of Derby, Leicester, and York and had taken Wales.  Aetheflaed died in battle against the Danes in 919.  

    Matilda of Tuscany, born in 1046, inherited through her father the plains of Lombardy and parts of Umbria and Liguria - an immense area of northern Italy that included the cities of Ferrara, Verona, modena, Mantua, Siena, Parma, Pisa, Florence and Brescia.  In 1066, under the guidance of General Arduino, her martial arts instructor, Matilda directed four hundred archers, at the Battle of Aquino, where her stepfather, Godfrey of Lorraine, defeted the normals.  Later that year she and Sir Della Plauda jointly cmmanded archers, pikemen and heavy cavalry in fighting around the Castel San Angelo in Rome.  The charge she led against Sir Guilbertof Ravenna drove the enemy forces from the city.

    Matilda was a strong ally of Pope Gregory VII, and supported him in his conflict with the German Emperor Henry IV.  She fought against henry many times, at the seige of Castle Sorba, she planned a night-time raid.  Swinging her father's sword, she charged, resulting in a bloody victory and the capture of the two rebellious bishops of Reggio and Parma, six rebel nobles, one hundred knights, and five hundred horses.  she spent most of her life fighting against the forces of emperor henry, and succesfully preventing him from conquering Italy.

    la Gran Contessa, as she was known, enjoyed the last years of her life in the peace of a Benedictine monastery, founded by her grandfather.  She died July 15, 1115, at the age of sixty-nine, one of the greatest women warriors who has ever lived.

    if you are interested in women warriors, I warmly recommend to you David E. Jones's exciting book 'Women Warriors: a History' which contains the stories of these and many, many others.

  5. Ivy, Tira, Cassandra, Sophitia, etc... They are not real, but the fact is that real women are not warriors. They are cowards who hide behind men.

  6. Here is a wonderful site that has loads of information: .  It has female warriors from 3500 B.C to the 20th century along with information about groups and organizations many female warriors started through out history.

    Have fun, if you may get lost in all the information.

  7. i checked out the third answers site, unfortunatly it mostly has women who were in charge of armys, it gnores the fact that only a noble could command in those days they werent actually warriors and most of them didnt even command the army. the first was a warrior, the sycthians did use women in battle, and some other people did as well. as time has past an the "barbaric" tribes died out so has women warriors. joan of arc is not a warrior, she isnt even a commander she was pretty much a living banner and thats all.

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