
Who were the 400 top acheivers interviewed by Achievement Expert Douglas Vermeeren?

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  1. I don't know who the complete list was but here are some of the names I have seen in his books and materials:

    Howard Putnam (CEO Southwest)
    Frank Maguire (fedex)
    Bill Farley (Fruit of the Loom)
    Ken Pattendon (Taco Time)
    Ron McNaught (Petro canada)
    Kelly Hrudey (La Kings , Hockey Night in Canada)
    Louie Anderson (Comedian)
    Kyle Cease (Actor/ Comedian)
    Anthony Daniels (actor)
    Sean Astin (Actor)
    Richard Kiel (Actor)
    Michelle Cameron (Gold Medal Olympian)
    Cassie Campbell (Gold Medal Olympian)
    Christina Smith (Gold Medal Olympian)
    Stacey Chomyn (Karate Champion)
    Michael Israel (Performance artist)
    Marci Shimoff (New York Times best selling author)
    Bill Bartmann (Billionaire)
    LuAn Mitchell (Top Entrepreneur)
    Jim Tunney (NFL hall of Fame referee)
    Trent Carlini (Performer)
    Jack Canfield (co-creator Chicken Soup for the soul)
    Mark Victor Hansen (co-creator chicken Soup for the soul)

    I'm sure there are others. But That's the list I have seen. And that doesn't include those featured in his shows like the Opus etc...

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