
Who were the Moors?

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In Shakespeare's 'Othello', the main character is refferred to as a 'Moor'. Who were the Moors?




  1. Hello, Do you speak portuguese? Os Mouros foi um povo árabe-berbere que conquistou a península ibérica, good luck(boa sorte) I'm from Santos/Brazil.

  2. It's the MOOPS! lol

  3. The Moors were North African Muslims who immigrated to southern Spain in the 800s A.D. They brought with them many muslim innovations and created many beutiful biuldings such as mosques and libraries. They were driven out of Spain in 1492 by King Ferdinand and Queen Issabella (famous for sponsoring Columbus later that same year), never to return again. Sadly this was just the begining of the inquisition in which many people were executed for heresy.

  4. this question makes me feel moorish..yep i want moor  what ever you got..gimme moor

  5. Technically, they are still around. They were the Muslims of North Africa. They are now called Algerians, Libyans, Moroccans, etc. But they are still Moors.

  6. Moors was an old term that was used for black people dates back to the ancient roman era

  7. The Moors were people who descended from Morocco and swept Spain and Western France. Basically they were darker skinned people from north Africa who conquered Spain. The word Moreno which refers to dark people roots from this word.

  8. The Moors were the North African Muslims who invaded and settled in Spain.
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