
Who were the afl players whose medical records were aired on seven news?

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Who were the afl players whose medical records were aired on seven news?




  1. I wish people would refer to these drugs that the players have been taking as illegal drugs rather than recreational drugs. I took part in many recreational pass times during my playing days - but never drugs. Neither did my close team-mates.

    Woke up the next day with a bit of a hangover more than once. Must have been boring though - we didn't even get into fights at nightclubs (too busy chasing after girls!).  But we weren't earning anywhere near the money that present day players are earning.

    On another note: Ben Cousins never tested positive for drug use when tested several times by the AFL. I am not defending him - but at least the club & he brought the matter into the open & did not carry on like others in the AFL. Players having the leniency of three strikes before the club is advised; Players Association acting like Legaal Aid lawyers & covering for the offenders.....

    I best stop here, otherwise I'll go on forever....

  2. In apparent breach of a Supreme Court injuction obtained against them, Channel 7's website names the players as including the biggest names at the Club:

    ” Crawford

    ” Croad

    ” Franklin

    ” Lewis

    ” Muston

    ” Duckling

    ” Osborne

  3. Did you know Mt FRANKLIN water isnt really good for you and a dHODGE viper is a cool car!!!!!!!!! Is this the right subject?> I dont know I was looking for legal terms :)

  4. what are the correct names then? my mail says the big names are all correct. only the bottom 3 may be wrong

  5. I don’t think "good guy" should be posting players names for the sake of it when they are not all correct.

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