
Who were the best kings and queens in Britain (England, Scotland etc), who did most for their country ?

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from ancient times to Queen Liz II




  1. NONE

    they only they do is to spend peoples money...

  2. Elizabeth the First

    Amy H you are a genius! lol :)

  3. They were/are all useless spongers.

  4. The best queen was without a doubt Freddie Mercury  I don't think any body would dispute that

  5. For Scotland..undoubtedly Robert the Brus. He united the warring factions in his own fractured county and with guile, patience subterfuge and statesmanship brokered a substantial peace with England to both nations benefit.

    For the English I do not rate the Angevins, the Plantage-genets or their successors the Tudors etc. A b*****d generation of an occupying french Norman incursion. Even less I rate the Danish opportunists of the preceding centuries. The last authentic English king who deserves the appelation 'great' was Aelfred of burnt cakes myth and victor of Ashdown and Eddington who repulsed the Danes otherwise England would have been destined for heathendom.

  6. Yes I would dispute that, Elton John

  7. i would say Elizabeth 1 she helped her country and didn't force any one to be a certain religion(A.K.A mary forced everyone to be catholic)

    she let people be catholic, or any religion they wanted.

    she was also known as the "virgin queen" she never got married but there were some rumors that she had a love affair with one of her friends, she was born on september the seventh,1533 (on a sunday) she was the only surviving queen of henry 8's seconde wife (after elizabeth was born, she miscarried a son) both her parents were bitterly dissapointed with her gender, and because Ann Boleyn (Elizabeth mom) didn't bear a son, she was beheaded(there was also lova affair  rumors that she hada love affair with 5 guys including her brother) some people think that's why she was beheaded others think it was just so he could get rid of his wife

    if you want more info you could read the book: Beware,Princess Elizabeth

    or you could check out this website:

    hope this helped


  8. i'd say its between Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria.  They both built the British Empire....

  9. Llewellyn Fawr!

  10. Mary I, James II

  11. ahh boudicca although not traditionally a queen she was the wife of a cheiftan she fought the roman burned down london adn killed 75,oo people in revenge at what the romans had done to her and her celtic people she was an inceni and took poison in teh end as so to not surrrender to the romans:)

  12. The best English Queens were Elizabeth I and Victoria and Elizabeth II.  

    The best English Kings were Richard the Lion Hearted, George V and George VI.

    Robert the Bruce was the best King of Scotland, as was Bonny Prince Charles, later Charles.

    Elizabeth II gets my vote for the best monarch of all time, though.

  13. Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, Henry V, Victoria, Henry II, Alfred the Great, Edward the Confessor would probably be on most people's lists.


    William I, and Edward I were the great warrior Kings. You could say they united the country, but they were both pretty ruthless men.


    Richard the Lionheart sits high up in the legends of Robin Hood, but most historians consider him a waste,

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