
Who were the designers of this aeroplane?

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  1. Is a british plane, just can't recall whom designed it though at the moment.  WWII era.  I also want to say its a Spitfire, but could be wrong on that one too.

    Actually found a link with wikipedia.  Here you go...

  2. Sydney Camm

    A Hawker Hurricane which actually shot down more aircraft than the Spitfire during the battle of Britain but lacked the beauty. It was in fact an updated version of i think a Biplane Hawker Fury  and therefore at the end of it's development. It was more rugged than the Spitfire and was also used to protect convoys in the North Atlantic on a launch and we will try to pick you up system, almost suicide because the cold killed many pilots.

  3. The Aircraft is a Hawker Hurricane which was designed by Sir Sidney Camm of the Hawker Aircraft Company & it was built at the Hawker Aircraft Factory in Weybridge in Surrey ! The Hawker Hurricane outnumbered the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire by 2 to 1 in the Battle of Britain in 1940 ! It was easier to construct than the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire because the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire used more complicated construction materials & techniques ! The Hawker Hurricane was/is a very rugged Aircraft & was able to absorb exceptionally large amounts of Battle Damage & still be able to fly & fight & to land safely ! The Hawker Hurricane was a very stable Gun Platform & was able to out manouevre the opposing Enemy Aircraft although it was significantly slower ! The Hawker Hurricane had a 3 Blade Propeller as standard fitting ! It was never standard fitted with a 4 Blade Propeller unlike the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire which was right up to the later variants ! The Hawker Hurricane was also more stable than the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire on the ground because the Undercarriage was spread wide apart & retracted inwards whereas on the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire the Undercarriage was close together & retracted outwards ! The Hawker Hurricane could also accept a wide range of Armaments e.g. Machine Guns, Cannons inside the wings & Rocket Projectiles & even Bombs underneath the wings ! It was a good Ground Attack Aircraft using the Rocket Projectiles to destroy Armoured Columns e.g. German Tanks etc. & Bombs e.g. 2 x 250 lbs to destroy Ground Positions e.g. Machine Gun Placements ! I think the photograph is a picture of a Hawker Hurricane Mark IV !

  4. Hawker Aircraft Ltd.

    Info here:

  5. the wright brothers  

  6. It's a Hawker Hurricane designed Sydney Camm and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd a British aircraft manufacturer.

  7. me

  8. Lots of correct answers for you so I'll add one thing that hasn't been said. The Spitfire generally gets credit for England winning the battle of Britain, wrong by sheer weight of numbers it was the aircraft in the picture that won the battle, there were many more Hurricanes that Spitfires.

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