
Who were the first people really? adam & eve or the apes?( battle of religion and science!)?

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Who were the first people really? adam & eve or the apes?( battle of religion and science!)?




  1. that's a question you should ask yourself. you believe are not?

  2. Adam and Eve, God created them, before the apes! and like

    some people believe that you were created out of apes...and thats all hogwash!

  3. Hello femace. I really like your question! NICE! It is an old-question but still no answer can satisfy human's hunger for the truth.

    In the bible, God created man. But when the word man is used in the bible, it means man and woman. According to the holy bible, these two creatures, Adam and Eve are the root of humanity. But science made a theory that shows that it is not. We came from apes. Why? because ape has similarity with us,men. Reading the bible, it is not clearly stated there if what kind of physical appearance does Adam and Eve have. Is it like us? maybe apes? As an additional information, in that question, science and religion does not contradict each other. When we say, we came from Adam and Eve, it means there is a particular being where human form originate. The bible story about Adam and Eve is made by man not to tell us about our origin but to tell us that there is someone who made us.

    Now, let us say we came from ape. Where that ape came from? The main point of that question is not the origin of human form but who made that origin.

    We can say that big bang theory is true. Then after big explosion, the universe was formed without God's intervention. After a million year a cell evolved.  Then after billion years, this cell has gotten a form. It slowly creates its own form. Then after million years again, apes, then human.

    Big bang theory-


    solar system-




    The big question is, Where is now the origin of the big explosion?

    The main point of the bible is that there is someone who created things. the main point point of science is "the things evolve by themselves."

    Where those things originate? Someone made the universe. If we came from cell, from Adam and Eve or from apes, it is not important. What is important whatever  our origin is, someone made it in order for it to become possible.

    it is an open question because bible does not make it clear. Science has a missing link. if you would study the human evolution, you would find the "missing link". This missing link is the link of our origin.

  4. that's 1 issue that religiona and science couldn't agree on....i can't answer your question...i'm religious and i believe God every thing..but confuses me too coz there are also scientifice evidences of these evolutions...i don't know...

    does it really matter though??? just enjoy life as it is...some things are better left as it is....

    just my opinion...

  5. Simple answer: there's no way to know who they were since individuals do not evolve, but populations do. Certainly the first humans were apes, since by definition all hominins including humans are apes.

  6. Im really questioning Adam and Eve right now.

  7. Of course Adam & Eve -- Apes are no people!

  8. adam and eve

  9. adam and eve were the first human on earth ... apes are not human, they are animals

  10. Probably neither. I don't believe the bible, and by definition, apes couldn't have been the first people.

    Ferrari lover - ...and your logic loses. You not understanding a concept does not qualify as proof that it is false.

  11. Adam and Eve.

  12. Apes are not homo-sapiens? or are we? or were Adam and Eve? funny....God created us all and the world in my opinion.  Humans were not here first

  13. i totally agree with the person above. Amoeba in water.

  14. Chuckle, actually we can have it both ways!  All modern Homo sapiens can trace their ancestry to back to one woman & one man that lived more than 140,000 yrs ago (Eve) in Africa.  The fact that these distant ancestors did not both live at the same time makes it a mite complicated to explain (Y Chromosomal Adam was 60,000 yrs ago).  

    This doesn't mean that all the other humans immediately died out... it just means that one woman had more daughters than did others & they passed on her genes, & one man produced more sons than did other men.

    As for apes, Humans are apes! They are just the last surviving member of the bipedal ape line. The other bipedal apes just died out. Homo sapien is evolved from Homo Erectus as was Homo Neandertal.

  15. According to the theory of evolution, every living things evolved from another primitive organisms, therefore everyone comes from some one. The creation belief states, as in the Bible, that God creates everything in seven days.

  16. The Adam and Eve tale is known from genetic evidence to be fiction.  We know from evolution (a proven fact) and genetic evidence that modern man and chimpanzees had a common ancestor a few million years ago.  For more on this, see:

  17. whoever they were, they were made with a Human Soul.

  18. Well the answer depends on what YOU BELIEVE in. If you believe in the bible the it was Adam and Eve. If you believe in Science then we evolved from apes. There is a another theory which i tend to believe in. I don't believe in god in the traditional sense. I believe there is a higher power but is it god or Jesus or Allah or whom ever you call god. I like to think that something created us. Scientists don't quite know what the catalyst for the big bang was. Theologists would say that there was no big bang and a god created it all. I say why can't it be both. Big Bang through "Divine Intervention" There was a big bang and the higher power created it. We did evolve from apes with the aid of that same higher power. "Evolution through Divine Intervention". There are far to many variables to say that the universe just happened. And we turned out the way we did by chance. So i guess what i am saying in short is that we are a gigantic science project.

  19. There is no battle between religion and science just as there is no battle between a 200 lb adult and a 15 lb little girl.

    Religion wants to battle science and science tolerates religion.

  20. Maybe Adam and Eve were apes...

  21. Single-celled organisms turned into water creatures turned into land creatures turned into animals turned into primates turned into apes and humans.

  22. adam and eve... duh!!  check the bible

  23. If man came from the apes...why are there still apes?

  24. In the bible it said that GOD created Adam and Eve

  25. idk

  26. Science is not at odds with religion.


  28. Even if one goes by the Bible, Adam, and later Eve were not created until Genesis 2.  In Genesis 1, man and woman are created at the same time (by Elohim, plural Gods) and were presumably the "other people" who lived "East of Eden."

    The rational answer is of course dependent upon how we define people.  Do we count Homo Habilis, or Homo Erectus, or withhold the classification until we get to Homo Sapiens Sapiens?

  29. You know, both CAN be right.  Man wrote the Bible, not God.  I've always believed that when the oral tradition was passed down, Man, not having an understanding of vast periods of time, wrote "On the first day, etc." , meaning steps or phases.  First God created the Heavens and the Earth.  If you think about it all that way, then there is no battle, they co-exist.

    If you want to understand ancient oral tradition, you have to think like the first cave man leaving the cave, not like a modern human.  There are many things not explained by the modern thought process.

  30. Here, meet some of our relatives:

    Sahelanthropus tchadensis. 6 to 7 million years ago

    Ardipithecus ramidus - 5 to 4 million years ago

    Australopithecus afarensis - 4 to 2.7 million years ago

    Australopithecus africanus - 3.0 to 2.0 million years ago

    Australopithecus robustus - 2.2 to 1.0 million years ago

    Homo habilis - 2.2 to 1.6 million years ago

    Homo erectus - 2 to 0.4 million years ago

    Homo sapiens - 400,000 to 200,000 years ago

    (Homo neandertalensis - 200,000 to 30,000 years ago)

    Homo sapiens sapiens - 130,000 years ago to present

    The first true people were probably Homo Habilis, although it is impossible to say at what point in time you could definitively say that they started to be more human and less apelike. There must have been a growing self awareness in early H Habilis, of the ability to control the environment, wear pelts for warmth, use fire and tools etc. These were the first people. Whether they had names like Adam or Eve is just conjectural, but I doubt it, since their vocal capacity would have been limited.

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