
Who were the first people to make bread.?

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Who were the first people to make bread.?




  1. Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods, dating back to the Neolithic era. The development of leavened bread can probably also be traced to prehistoric times.

  2. It is generaly believed that bread was discovered by accident by the early cultures dating back about  5000 years ago, probably when  wheat  or any grain was mixed with water and naturally produced yeast. It is believed that the first baking process took place on  hot stones producing a flat ( levened  )bread.

    Although the Sumerians discovered beer ( as attested by cuneiform tables with early advertising), there seem to be no records of bread making until the Egyptian culture. Many hieroglyphs clearly show the method used to make bread.

    Romans are generally credited with inventing the technique of griding grain, first manually and then mechanically by inventing  a technique of 2 stones being driven by an animal or a slave.

    White bread was a luxury and for along time only available to the rich, while the poor ate the dark, whole grain bread:

    the one we now know as being more wholesome and healthier.

  3. Im afraid that is lost in time bread has been written about in the earliest writings ever found , and as has been the stable diet of man since the first agricutual settlers

  4. stone age hunter gatherers probably collected wild grain to make flat breads, because there is no written history we can not be sure, but one theroy says that they noticed that dropped grain around there homes would grow and it gave them the idea to grow it themselves which eventually led to farming. this is just a theroy but it has possibilities.

  5. Adam and Eve, they needed some for Communion.

  6. Mr and Mrs Baker.

    Trust me, I saw it on a pack of cards when I was a kid.

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