
Who were those two famous cousins who married each other??

by Guest58400  |  earlier

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I think it was back in the older days...

I would say Romeo & Juliet, but I don't think so...

& NOT the ones that were on Maury!!




  1. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.  See more below.

  2. Queen Victoria & Prince Albert  

  3. Don't know which particular couple you're looking for ... the list is virtually endless. The earliest I know of is Isaac and Rebecca in the Old Testament. Some contend that Joseph and Mary were cousins.

    Royal marriages have often been between cousins ... more recently, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip; George V and Princess Mary of Teck; Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

    Charles Darwin m. his first cousin, Emma Wedgewood, and their grandparents, Josiah and Sarah Wedgewood were also cousins. Edgar Allan Poe; Johann Sebastian Bach; H. G. Wells; John Adams ... all married cousins. Albert Einstein's wife was both his first and second cousin. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt were very distant cousins, I think 5th.

  4. Albert Einstein and his second wife was, Elsa, were cousins.

    Charles Darwin and his wife Emma were cousins.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt, the longest serving US president in history married his cousin (not a first cousin, however they shared the same last name).

  5. Queen Sisi and Franz Joseph, later emperor of Austria

  6. Romeo and Juliet weren't cousins...

    Lots of noble families married their cousins. It was very common before the 1900s. I'm afraid you're going to have to provide a few more details about the couple before I could tell you anything more.

  7. Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. (at least i think she was 13) She wasn't famous but he was.

  8. Jerry Lee Lewis, the rock singer, married his cousin.  They even made a movie about it, called "Great Balls of Fire".

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