
Who / what do you believe is the cause of the recent significant increase in violations,?

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Abuse of the (Report it ) feature

Or some Yahoo automated jive ?




  1. I think someone is reporting everyone in order to get us to accuse each other for it. It's a divide-and-conquer game.

  2. Well, the problem of questions being unfairly deleted out of spite has been a problem in Yahoo Answers for a long time. Just look through all of the suggestions on the suggestion board. This category and's a problem. Some of it is from trolls. Some of it is from people that don't even answer questions in GWS, especially  the questions dealing with p**n, abortion...the hot button issues. Sometimes it's a matter of someone reporting out of spite.

    Some violations are really warranted. I got my first one last night for chatting. I was annoyed by it but not terribly surprised. I report questions with links that give people viruses and spam. Those deserve deletion in my opinion.

    Lastly, I think Yahoo is cracking down more on Q & A that violate the CG. I have a feeling it's become more automated.

  3. I just tried to answer the other question and it was gone!   Sadly shakes head.

  4. Liberal Feminist Interest, Ryde On.  Feminists have a liberal agenda.  Liberals constitute a larger user (traffic base), and Yahoo has a vested interest in keeping the liberal crowd around as it increases their bottom line.

    Conservatives don't have much time to worry about nonsense because we have to work hard to earn our keep.

    In short, Liberals and Feminists play a more significant role in ensuring Yahoo's bottom line than Conservative-minded folks.  Hence power goes to the liberals.  It's just that simple.

    If you disagree with feminist ideology/ liberal ideology, you will be penalized under the brilliant system of community moderation.

    It took some time, but I think I've got the deal down.

  5. It is people that can dish it, but can't take it, so they get bitter and report people.

  6. Yahoo's policy is far from transparent but as I understand it takes two or three people to report a question out of spite and then the Yahoo robot swings (?) into action and automatically deletes the question.

    It is cheaper for Yahoo to use the robot rather than have real people checking out the report monkeys.

    I have even caught Yahoo breaking its own rules.

    EDIT: I have now discovered that Yahoo is withdrawing the option to appeal against unfair deletions!!!!

  7. Mine all happened when Yahoo Answers was virtually shut down for more than 2 hours.  

    I think it was a computer problem, or a bunch of new people at the switch.  No new questions came up for over two hours, although I tried four times to get the same question on and got four violations on the same question - which never aired - so no one who was on-line could have reported it.

    Unless Yahoo has sprung for some money for real people to look at every question before it comes on-line, then it was the computer.

    I was not a "conspiracy" from either side.

  8. If anyone ever reads the Yahoo Answers Blog or visits the Forum, you will find reference to recent changes to Yahoo Answers. First off, they moved to a big new premises and have introduced new capabilities to their systems, such as more automated chacking.

    I've said this a few times before and it's mot that hard to chack out ~ go to the links at the top right hand of this page and click.

    I'm sure some people do report others, for reasons ranging from the petty to the very appropriate, but it's just as well to remember that Yahoo are one of the biggest internet platforms in the world and they employ some of the best computer people on the planet.

    If they want to automate computer checking in one small forum of their global empire, how hard fo you think it's going to be for them?

    Seriously people, get a grip. Unless you PREFER blaming 'the feminists' ~ which a lot of you seem to do. You might want to consider though that when you do, it makes you look like a Luddite turkey to everyone except your 12 year old buddies.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Loads of mine have been deleted. So it would have to be someone that doesn't like my views on equality so it's got to be a misogynist.

  10. It's all automated so probably got a backlog and sent out a load in one go, a bit like the council with their council tax reminders eh ?

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