
Who/which places requires to see full name as written on birth certificate?

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I live in the UK and I was wondering which institutions would require to see the full name as named on the birth certificate? Ie. Passports, schools, driving licence etc. We have a baby on the way and it looks like he may have a few middle names! Thanks.




  1. Unless your surname is Windsor, you would do the child a favor if you limited his/he rmiddle names to two; one woul dbe even better.

    Most places will let you get by with just your first and last name. We refinanced our house last year, and I signed so many papers that I had to stop and think how to spell "Theodore" towards the end. None of them asked for middle initial(s). Some places do.

    If you have famiy surnames as middle names,

    ("Robert St. James Perrigrine Hillary FitzHugh Ramsbottom") people reading your driver's license may pick the wrong one for the citation, hotel room, pizza, etc.

    Finally, most computer systems choke if you have more than one middle initial, if your first name is more than 16 characters or your last name is more than 24; ask any anyone from Thailand or Sri Lanka.

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