
Who will America go to war with next in the name of Christianity and Religion?

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Why should you use military force to enforce your views?




  1. what else is it good for ?

  2. Fairly weak. If your referring to the conflicts in the middle east then your question is laughable. Extremist Muslims attacked the U.S. due to religion. We retaliated. I will give you Iraq though. But that was neither to promote Christianity or any other religion.

  3. I think you have us mixed up with someone else.

  4. Hmmmm....Since we've never gone to war in the name of Christianity and religion, I'd have to figure we'd keep that up. What a silly question!

  5. Hmm!  I thought we were fighting for Oil, isn't that what the Libs have been yelling for a coon's age?  

  6. Iran

  7. What America, or Iran, or any "Christian" country does nowadays has nil in common with true Christianity or God.  

  8. Yeah

    I remember when that fool George W referred to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan as a "Crusade"

    Talk about a bad choice of words.


    Although I don't believe religious beliefs have a lot to do with our issues there,  The US is there purely out of greed.

  9. It's not happening now. What's your point?

  10. If the muslim wins the white house.........soon.

  11. I thought we only went to war for oil. Which is it? The only war we're fighting now is against a bunch of killers of innocent men, women and children in the name of their religion. We are using our military to keep them from imposing their views on us. Big difference.

  12. Sorry, but I wasn't aware that America was forcing its religious views on anyone.

  13. Please Name an example on when we have gone to War over Christianity or Religion, Seriously I want to know , because I was not aware of any occasion where this has been the case , so please enlighten me.

  14. This wasn't a holy war. If it was, it would be waged on all Muslims, so being a Muslim would be illegal (it's taught in some CA schools), and we'd be attacking bigger Muslim nations, like Indonesia (highest concentration of Muslims on the planet).

    The problem here is that you don't understand the war, so you hear something funny Jon Stewart says as a joke and you take it as law. Sorry, junior, you gotta think before you speak. Do a little research.

    However, the Muslim extremists (terrorists) ARE attacking us in the name of Allah...funny how you're critical of the United States but not the guys who are actually waging a religious war. But then again, it's painfully obvious that you are 100% oblivious to what's going on in the world, so it's not too surprising that you didn't know any of this.

  15. great all the slow ones here...does God not bless America?  Is Israel not the holy land that must be protected at all costs?  are only brown Muslims terrorists or "radical islamic extremists" which is a euphemism for brown terrorists.  Are Christians and Jews the only people who live in a "Free Society".  Everything comes back to Religion and all wars are indirectly aimed at domination of money and minds.

    Religion is a system that has little to do with God its a grid for control and a tool to comfort the troops.  And seeing as America is on a conquest in some of the most undomesticated area's in the world...we are spreading our religion in order to capture the hearts and minds of the people we conquer...  This is what america has become since the Bretton Woods system.

  16. d**n fine question.

    The answer is: You shouldn't go to war to enforce your views. Sadly, this is how the world has been since the beginning of time or, at the least, the creation of religion.

    God backed America during WWII, but he also backed the Germans, the French, the British, and the Italians.

    Same goes for WWI.

    Every war in history, each side with a religion have believed they were fighting for the "right" side, the side with God backing them.


  17. First of all America does not go to war in the name of Chrisianity this is an insane statement we are not in the crusade period that  happen a few years ago...The Crusades were, in part, an outlet for an intense religious piety which rose up in the late 11th century among the lay public. A crusader would, after pronouncing a solemn vow, receive a cross from the hands of the pope or his legates, and was thenceforth considered a "soldier of the Church". This was partly because of the Investiture Controversy, which had started around 1075 and was still on-going during the First Crusade.

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