
Who will Bill Ayers, the terrorist, vote for?

by Guest11104  |  earlier

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Probably Obama since they're friends. Should this influence who I vote for?




  1. He will vote for the man who will hear everything he has to say.  Odumber and him are connected at the hip.  

  2. he'll definitely vote for Obama, as will every terrorist registered to vote in this country, as will every slugnut looking for a government handout, as will every anarchist/socialst, and in true democrat fashion, even some dead folks will be voting for Obama. But fear not, as long as the sane that remain vote for McCain, we still do outnumber the communist drones that are the liberal elite and we should be able to win pretty handily. Most normal people (including Hilary supporters :) realize that McCain is moderate, reaches out to both sides and is a stronger candidate for this country than the racist/socialist baby killer that the extremist left nominated to be their candidate

  3. funny how Republicans always bring up Bill Ayers, a name hardly no one recognizes.  Yet, they never mention Timothy McVeigh who was a registered Republican and a Conservative.  If he were alive today, we all know who he would be voting for.

  4. I don't see where this matters. What you allow to influence your vote is entirely your choice.

  5. If I go strangle a baby and then say I'm voting for McCain will you do me a favor and vote for Obama?

  6. His very good friend and associate Barack Obama.

    Yes it should.

  7. Him and that dumb a** Warren Churchill are voting Obama.

  8. Ayers and Obama have both said they are not friends. Ayers is a professor. He has not backed any candidate.

  9. His closest friend and ally Osama, I mean Obama

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