
Who will be benefited from Global Warming ?

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Obviously there is a Beneficiary behind every crime....




  1. The Ice Cream Shops

  2. people who sell air conditioners

  3. Russia

    less woolen clothes required

    girls  less clothes  

  4. Al Gore gets rich. The U.N. steals money from U.S. citizens and redistribute it like the socialists they are

  5. Any "developing" country -- for example Russia, India, China-- because they have carbon credits to SELL. Amazing-- some of the worst polluting countries on the planet selling US credits!

  6. The people selling carbon credits.

    The people that are cashing in on the "Green" fad.

    Every poor substitute for a real scientist that wants funding but hates having to produce results.

  7. i believe that in the long run...NO ONE is going to benefit from it. that is why different countries are conspiring in saving our planet earth.

  8. the ones that can afford to adapt

    or even get right off the planet. why do you think bush is so keen on reviving the space program? he wants to retire to the moon!

  9. Only people who are selling a "solution," like Al Gore.

  10. Anyone who makes massive money on the mass hysteria

  11. NO ONE

  12. Warmer temperatures which means more tropical areas. More salt water so more beaches. Less icebergs, which makes navigating near certain areas easier. Sales on icecream and air conditioners will sky rocket! People will have more tans. We will learn more about hurricanes because there occurance will be usual. There are some pros xD that's if global warming exsists >.>

  13. basically the earth is going to get benifited

    just think of the temperatures rise and glaciers melt leading to sea level rise.......lands get submerged and it becomes a water world and humans will not exist anymore and a new species survives as life finds a the earth will be a sense.....

  14. Not sure.

    A warmer planet probably will have some areas that have improved climate so some people will benefit after it is over (although the transition is going to be nasty).

    Those involved in selling products to adapt to the warmer temperatures will make a real killing (since people are going to need their products as services).

    Even we today are benefiting by causing global warming in that fossil fuel burning is giving us the lifestyle we have (although we know we have to switch to something of higher energy density for environmental reasons pretty d**n soon, expect the nuclear industry to almost completely take over from the coal and natural gas industries).

  15. there will be beneficiaries behind  every crime but there might not be any behind a disaster.

    global warming is a disaster.

  16. Al Gore.  

  17. Some panic driven Al Gore types thing that El Nino is a recent development caused by Global Warming. How sad it must be to live your life in a state of crisis

  18. I will!!!!!!!!! This global warming c**p is all BS!  It is getting colder everywhere!  

  19. The socialists/communists and the extreme left.  It all goes through Al Gore's wallet first.

  20. People who own land under hundreds or thousands of feet of ice in Greenland.  

    People who will profit from rebuilding things where the Tundra thaws.

    People who will use the NorthWest passage.    

  21. The electric car companies.  

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