
Who will be running the country?

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Obama has selected Joseph Biden to be his running mate. But, if "the team" wins, who will be running the country?

Oh, some Presidents ask their VPs for advice, but often go against that advice. The President actually makes the final decisions. And, if he doesn't like what the VP does with assigned tasks, he just stops assigning.

So, the bottom line is, if Obama wins, Obama will be running the country.

So, when you consider how you will vote, you should consider, will Obama run the country well? There is NO OTHER FACTOR TO CONSIDER, since the President will be in charge.




  1. Obama is not noted for having the ability of forceful decisions. This is why he surrounds himself with strong willed people. He needs to confer with others before he makes a decision. I wonder what advice Rev. Wright is giving him today?

  2. I'm hoping ; neither of the two mentioned above .

  3. The Chicago Syndicate and Defense contractors.

  4. Biden is just a figure head to make loyal Americans forget about Obama. He would have no power what so ever.  

  5. You are right, however Biden does nothing to balance the ticket Obama is the # 1 liberal senator and Biden is #3 most liberal, no change here just the same good old boy system, Hillary would have balanced the ticket much better and he did not even consider her.

  6. If Obama wins,the country will be run by an inexperienced terrorist sympathizer whose own VP says is "simply incapable of that kind of leadership"

  7. He will look to Biden for guidance but at the end of the day, obama is still in charge.  i like obama even more, that now he has chosen biden to be by his side.    

  8. I WILL

  9. His wife of course, just like with Little Billy

  10. this always makes me mad. the people should be running this country. these politicians are elected to be public servants. most are only think of what is best for their careers not what is best for the people that put them where they are.

    the office of the president should be held by the person who has the best interest of the people at heart. i really don't know anyone like that anymore but i think this is how we should decide our next president.

  11. We will be running the country, that is the change Obama talks about. No more father figures that think they know best, it is time for a representative.  

  12. Bow before me and sacrifice innocent babies via late term abortions!

  13. WE are in charge

  14. soros

  15. 1. Many people are convinced that d**k Cheney and his PNAC buddies have been running the country for 8 years, so the idea that the President acts alone without his cabinet is weak.

    2. McCain's main adviser, Randy Scheunemann, is a Director of PNAC, and is likely an indication that the Bush administrations policies will be continued should he win.

    3. Obama will form a cabinet from a pool of Democrats.  He will change the ruinous direction this country has been on.

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