
Who will be the next President of the U.S.A?

by Guest32722  |  earlier

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Who will be the next President of the U.S.A?




  1. Obama

  2. Barack Obama if the American people are intelligent. McCain is to old and has a major temper problem. (He could also be confused for a cylon.)

  3. Why do people say Obama is black?

    He is just as much "white" as he is black, why not call him white?

    Better yet and soon to come, we can call him President Obama

  4. if GOD wills to punish u.s.a. for its crimes in iraq and afghanistan and in other parts of middle east then surely the next president of u.s.a. would be john mccain.

  5. I think the next president of the U.S. will be the white guy. Why? because Hilary is a woman, and Obama is Black. the U.S. isn't ready for a woman president or an african american president.

  6. ur mom......but only if ur mom is OBAMA!!!!!!!!

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