
Who will be the next doctor who?

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Who will be the next doctor who?




  1. YAY!!!!!!!!! I love David Tennant!!!!!!!!! I hope he stays forever!!!!!!! But that is not possible. :( I wish it was

  2. I really shouldn't be telling you this,because someone could lose their job,David Tennant has signed up for series 5 of Doctor Who.The producers are not looking beyond that point as yet.

  3. I hope it is Tennant but if not I vote for Jack Davenport

  4. you ? me ? or others ??

  5. I think David Tennant is fantastic as the Doctor & I don't want to see him leave the role for a long time but if I could have my wish I would love to see Richard Coyle as the 11th Doctor - I reckon he would be brilliant! But Jack Davenport would do very nicely too ; )

    Or maybe, the guy who played the hot UNIT soldier from 'The Sontaran Stratagem' who was brainwashed by General Staal????

  6. I hope David Tennet will stay for the next few season. :)

  7. I think no one knows when Tennant is leaving so no one knows who the next Doctor will be. I do hope Tennant is around for a while and whenever he is replaced, I hope they replace him with someone who is just as excellent.

  8. Well the 11th Doctor is likely to appear in the 2011 series at the very earliest, and perhaps even later than that. It depends on how long David Tennant's new contract with the BBC is for (rumour has it that it may be for up to another 3 years).

    So I don't think it's particularly useful to speculate right now. The next Doctor is likely to be a relatively young and unknown actor at the moment, who will probably have a considerably higher profile in a few years time.

    From current actors, I would love to see Mark Gatiss play the Doctor. He is a fine actor and a life long Doctor Who fan, who has both written for and previously appeared in the series (Professor Lazarus). He will probably be a bit old for it by the time Tennant leaves though

    Another I would love to see as the Doctor is Tim Roth, but again he will be a bit old for the role and will probably have other commitments in Hollywood. James McAvoy would be just about the right age, and I think he would make a great Doctor, but again I can't see him giving up his Hollywood career to appear in a TV series. Even one as prestigious as Doctor Who.

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