
Who will benefit the most from Universal Health care?

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Who will benefit the most from Universal Health care?




  1. People that don't work or pay taxes!

  2. Socialists.

    It will reduce competition between medical companies even further, give them an assured business, and prices will rise as they will have free money.

    The government will have to come in and nationalize parts of the healthcare industry.

    Many of them will leave the country rather than lose their business.

    Healthcare and our standards of living will drop, due to the lack of competition, additional taxation, and loss of large scale producers and business.

    The price increases on the "rich" will trickle down to all of us, somewhat increased to cover everyone's palm.

    Bad idea.  Already have enough of it with the HMOs.

  3. Busnesses will recieve the most benefit. They'll no longer have to pay emplyee health insurance nor the manditory back breaking Workmen's Compensation insurance.

    Uni Health is going to help the rich get richer.

  4. Most of you. I love how the cons on here say "I've got Health Insurance. My deductible is $300". Which means their health insurance doesn't cover their annual checkups or any other thing that isn't a major health crisis. So, they are under insured - universal health care would help all of the un/under insured people in your country.

    Edit: Actually DJ_EZ, that sign means they can't turn you away if you can't pay RIGHT THEN. You still have to pay and they WILL bill you and you will be making monthly payments on that bill for a long time. So, no it isn't free and no, it isn't universal healthcare.

  5. Someone other than me and my family.  I find it funny that when I walk into my local hospital, there is a sign there called the patients bill of rights.  In plain english it states the hospital DOES NOT have the right to refuse service because of an inability to pay.  Yes, you read that correctly, the hospital here DOES NOT have the right to refuse you service because you can't pay.  That seems like universal health care to me.  Next time Im shelling out $80 on my co pay praying that my bill isnt to extravagant, Ill try and remember to write down the statute.

  6. People who need health care and can't afford it now.  Ultimately, some of your friends and family.  You don't understand until your friend or family member is in that situation.  What a national disgrace with all the money we have sent to foreign countries who hate us, that all of our citizens (legal) don't have basic health care including prescription drug coverage of no more than a $15.00 copay.

  7. Go to a russian hospital and find out........Their just leaping over to capatalism.

  8. People who never require a serious medical treatment. They will only have to wait months, not years.

    People who do not benefit... those who the government say are not worth the proper treatment.

    Basically everyone who works. No one thinks to realize if EVERYONE suddenly can be seen by a doctor, the back flow of homeless and jobless will back the medical system up for months. We only have so many doctors.

  9. The biggest benefactors will be the bureaucrats that will be hired to administer the program.  They will be by far the ones who get the most out of the program.

    The second will be the un-employed deadbeats who have all day to hang out in line waiting to receive their government health care.  

    The losers are almost too numerous to mention.  But the biggest loser will be the working people who will be taxed to pay for the program.  They won't have time to sit in line waiting to receive their rationed government health care.

  10. A. Democratic politicians - they love all that power over you.

    B.  The people that are irresponsible or too lazy to work.

    C.  Don't worry if  need good healthcare, there will still be private

    healthcare facalities, but you will have to pay for that out of your own pocket or get private healthcare insurance.

    We will basically have 2 healthcare systems in the future.

    A generic one that will suck and the gov will not pay the doctors what their worth and you will pay for that - especially if you have surgery.

    A really good private system, but it will cost you.

  11. people that don't have the luxury to visit a doctor now and then.....

    it's called preventative medicine!!!!!  and it works.  

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