
Who will christians choose as their president?

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Who will christians choose as their president?




  1. This Christian chooses for Senator Obama.

  2. Obama

  3. Palin I believe is Anti abortion which I believe is a big issue of the christians plus theirs Obama's racist church

  4. The president who will protect our religious freedoms and who shares our morals and values!

    The choice is clear for those who's moral compass is calibrated!

  5. McCain, as a Christian I could never go against God's holy word and vote for someone who's so pro-choice they support infanticide.  

  6. depends who they think is good. They will probably be divided when choosing

  7. obama,hes only had one wife and his daughter isnt knocked up!

  8. obama

    well, last time i heard christians wernt terribly supported of whoreish unwed teenage daughters and mothers that would rather further their careers then take care of the down syndrome child, but hey, thats just me!

  9. Some will vote for Obama and some will vote for McCain. Since 90% of the people in this country consider themselves christians they vote both ways, otherwise it would be a landslide.

  10.   Christians and Evangelistics will vote for McCain

  11. It's funny you should ask that. There's a TV show on in Australia called Foreign Correspondent. it's basically an extension of the BBC World Service's 'From Our Own Correspondent' where their FCs do the stories behind stories, whether they be magaziney or human interesty.  Both shows are great...anyway...FC last week did a story from Co (POST-Saddleback) about the Repub base getting twitchy on McCain's faith. A lot of Christians think he's very weak, faith-wise. It's okay to be flip-floppy about issues within faith, but not about faith itself, I think the reasoning might be. Many see Obama as committed, but McCain as very shaky.

    I said months ago that McCain had a problem with the faithies and that he'd have to deal with it. That's one of the reasons Palin is now in the mix...but that's not worked out so well, so far.

  12. The wrong person

  13. When Palin said that the Iraq war was a task from "God", I thought, wait a minute: in the bible it says "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not steal (from other countries).

    And she calls herself a devout christian...pffffttt

  14. THIS Christian is voting Obama. Our Lord loves us all, we are ALL His children

    Jesus believed in tolerance and so do I. They will find the "right" way eventually. But for now who am I to cast judgment on what others do or want to do

  15. McCain.

    We know most Muslims, and Atheists will chose Obama.

  16. Not Mccain! He throws people under the bus.

  17. Christians will choose Obama. Fundamentalists will choose McCain.

  18. McCain

  19. This Christian will vote McCain/Palin

    Because everyone makes mistakes. Christians are all about forgiveness.

    (about the daughter)

    Islams will vote for Obama and the radical ones will wish they could.

    And to the one that said about Mccain throwing people under the bus...that is a good thing. He is calling them out because he wants to shake things up in Washington and make the govt work for the people. The fact that he would risk his nomination or even the election to declare that he's tired of old Washington is admirable. He doesn't want to be

    lumped into the pile of the republicans. I am proud of him.

  20. I used to go to church until my church threw me under the bus because I refused to vote for Mccain.  

  21. Most likely McCain or Obama.

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