
Who will finish 2nd in the premiership when..........

by  |  earlier

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..Chelsea win it, this season,




  1. 1st--ManU


  2. Well, they not gonna...

    But if...

    Only if...

    And that's a big "IF"...

    Liverpool will win it...

    We'll just gonna win the Champions League again :p

  3. Man U first Chelsea second

  4. Arsenal.!!!

  5. arsenal 1st, man u 2nd, liverpool 3rd, spurs 4th, chelsea 20th

  6. sorry man but you are gonna have an instant replay of last season again this season!!!!!!!!

  7. chelsea will finish 2nd......

  8. Arsenal

  9. man u sadly i think

    maybe arsenal if they don't injure their players at the wrong time

  10. I'm just lmao @ SIr XY's answer

    dR bad

  11. What, on your playstation?

  12. anyone could win the premiership but chelsea

    chelsea wont even come 2nd

    it will be between arsenal and man.utd this season

  13. arsenal first and manchester united second

  14. Ha ha ha ha ha.... good luck

    will be man U

  15. no im not a liverpool fan but i think that they will win it and chelsea will be runners up

  16. The Slave Keeper, when you wake up from your dream, my answer is ...

    1st Arsenal

    2nd Man Utd

    3rd Chelsea

    4th Liverpool

    @ Sir XY - VERY funny, well done!

  17. Mmmm!, I think you'll find it will be...

    and second will be...


    i say United or Pool.

  19. Tottenham led by Dos Santos.

  20. Man U 1st

    Liverpool 2nd

    Chelsea 3rd

    Tottenham 4th

    Arsenal 5th

  21. We can all dream, can't we? Though that doesn't mean it'll come through...

  22. sorry to bust your bubble

    Liverpool 1st

    chelski 2nd

  23. It's scientifically impossible for Chelsea to come in SECOND and first. That being said I think we needn't worry about such things.  

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