
Who will gain and who will lose if China revalues the Yuan?

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Who(which contry) will gain and who(which contry) will lose if China revalues the yuan?




  1. Chinese. Foreign goods cheaper.

    Chinese Producer - Only labor cost higher but not critical. Labor is only part of the total production cost.

  2. the only thing I would add to the above poster is that American producers would gain because they would be able to compete for international markets that china previously serviced (because their goods will be cheaper).  Coupled with the temporarily weak dollar, this will result in a greater demand for US exports, which in turn would stop many jobs from being outsourced.

  3. Gain: Chinese consumers, because foreign goods are cheaper, and foreign producers, because their goods are more competitive while their costs are the same.

    Lose: Chinese producers, because their goods are more expensive abroad, so less people buy them, but their costs remain the same.

    Foreign consumers, because the goods they had bought from China are now more expensive.

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