
Who will get most of the women vote Obama or Mccain?

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How will Palin effect womens vote?




  1. i pray to god the fact that shes a women doesnt affect the votes at her political views should be the only thing that people look at when they decide who they are gonna vote for

  2. Considering that McCain opposes equal pay for women, It would appear that the obvious answer would be Obama.

  3. Palin may have female anatomy, but she does not support rights for women.

    Obama all the way.

  4. McCain's got it in the bag now!!!

  5. The data suggests Obama will get most of the women's votes and for very good reasons, most of which have nothing to do with gender issues. I believe that as more of Palin's record comes out, the totals for women projected to vote for Obama will only increase.

  6. Obama.  McCain chose Palin to pander women voters.  He thinks that just because she is a woman that women will flock to him.  Well she is not ready to lead.  She is pro-life, and she will lose a lot of women who are pro-choice.  She has a lot of personal issues going on with regard to her family that are not the types of things Americans want in their own families.  The Obama and Biden families are both model families that many Americans would love to see other families strive to be like.  I think all of this helps Obama with women voters.  Also, polls have shown Obama is winning over women.

    And winning over Hillary supporters.

  7. When the subject is a pregnancy to an unwed, minority teenage mother growing up in some (presumably Democratic) urban area, that pregnancy becomes fodder for lectures from conservatives about bad parenting, the perils of welfare spending and so on. But when the subject is a pregnancy to an unwed, white teenager from some small town in a Republican state, that pregnancy is...a celebration of the wonders of God's magnificence--and choosing life!

  8. Obama!

  9. I can tell you who THIS woman is voting for...McCain!!

  10. She might steer some more women to Obama's corner actually. If they do their homework, they will figure out exactly what she stands for. This horrible choice by McCain has fired up his evangelical conservative base. However, one must ask, he had to choose someone to fire up his own base?? Come on, he's getting desperate.  

  11. Palin demands responsibility of women....DOES things rather than just talk about how no one should tell her she can't because she's female....

    Obama will bail them out, not hold them accountable, let them destroy their offspring whevever they like.....

    How could anyone woman destroy the life within her?

    Depends on the type of woman we're talking about here. Responsible ones, Palin. Irresponsible ones, Obama.

  12. I think as far as the 'gaming strategies' in politics go, it was a good move on McCain's part...and face it, the American political system is nothing much more than a game these days.  It'll probably get votes for him for some people who were upset Obama didn't choose Hillary as his running mate.  However, there are still some hard core 'men-only' voters out there who might write McCain off with a woman as his running mate.  So who could win some or lose some for him.

    McCain supporter here.

    In response to your second question, I think Hillary's support of Obama may keep for the Democrats some of the women who were going to vote for her on the ticket.  But I think largely myself...look primarily at the Presidential candidate anyway.  I still think McCain would be a better president.  And I like Obama's choice for a running mate.  I like Obama too.  I just think McCain would be a better choice for president.

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