
Who will have more fans at the fight hopkins or calzaghe?

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is the crowd going to heavily favored for calzaghe or hopkins? are tons of brits flying in this weekend to see calzaghe kick hopkins ***? or is calzaghe gonna show up and tons of people are gonna be cheering B HOP BHOP




  1. Hopkins should have the majority of the crowd support.  I hope it's a good fight and judged fairly.  I've seen some pretty awful decisions lately (and by lately I mean in the last 57 years).

  2. seeing that it in the US. Hopkins will easily have more fans, unless Calzaghe pulls a Ricky Hatton w/ his audience.

  3. Calzaghe will have more support then B.Hop -

    as the welsh dragons are coming to invade Vegas.

  4. Calzaghe will have more fans in the arena than Hopkins i would say and they will definitely be the noisier of the two sets of fans. Hopefully the fans can roar Joe on to a great victory.

    James B - I would just like to ask how us Hatton fans embarrassed ourselves a few months ago in Vegas, i know there were maybe a couple of hundred who booed your national anthem but that was out of a crowd of 20000 Brits, i myself didn't agree with it at the time when hearing the boos but it was obviously a ploy to get under Floyd's skin who had got under every British fans skin from the first press conference right up to the weigh in. There is no way the fans were booing to try and upset normal run of the mill Americans and just because they seem to of upset you and Blog you shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush, the majority of the British fans over there were very well behaved and we all had a great time mixing and drinking with the Americans there on holiday as well. It upsets me that someone who wasn't there can say things about an event when he didn't attend it and see what was actually happening, the atmosphere was absolutely superb for the whole time i was there and i didn't see any Brits embarrassing themselves as you have put it.

  5. Calzaghe.

  6. Is anyone a fan of Hopkins? If you want to read about this fight head on over to they have a write-up on the fight and also a forum where you can go and chat about this and many other fight related stuff.

  7. from what I understand, there will be a lot of empty seats.  BHop can't sell tickets here, and Americans don't know know who Calzaghe is.

    I doubt there will be many Calzaghe fans that make the journey.  The Ricky Hatton fans did a lot of damage to the UK boxing community by making complete fools of themselves when they came here for the PBF fight.

    That said, the fans will be rooting for BHOP (60%) while the vocal minority will be screaming for Calzaghe.

    Anyway, like I said fan split at the gate 60/40 faving BHop

  8. It's Vegas, B-hop is the homer.  There aren't enough planes flying right now to bring enough Calzaghe fans over the pond to sway the pro Hopkins crowd.  I still haven't forgiven them for booing the National Anthem at the Mayweather/Hatton fight, that alone sealed Ricky's fate.  There are no boxing fans like British boxing fans.  I remember a drunk English guy, rapped in a British Union Jack wearing a sombrero staggering over to a group of Barrera fans at the Hamid/Barrera fight.  The entire MGM grand went silent for a couple seconds, to see if they would tear the little hooligan limb from limb.  He was the coolest little $hit in the place, rapped his flag around a couple them and ended up polishing off about half a fifth of tequila with them.  Like Don King says's, "only in America", it's going to be a great week end in Vegas.

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