
Who will help expose and defeat the richest, most powerful people on Earth? What can you do to help???

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It has been my ambition to bring awareness to the realities of a long ignored and confused debate. That of WMT's profiteering from and aid to the COMMUNIST regime in China in order to undermine domestic labor and avoid living wages with BOTH Clinton's indepth participation for over 20 years. They have equipped the largest standing army ever arrayed to oppose human freedom o this earth in today's Communist People's Liberation Army of China from an ineffective, illequipped and unorganized force only 15 years ago! Hillary in particular has had a most prominent an unseen role in enabling this to happen, a fact I am aware of as a 20 yr WMT insider. How would you tell this story? Where would you turn for help? This is a book entitled "How Hillary & Wal-Mart Saved Communism!" and Wal-Mart is aware of the project. In fact, WMT Chairman Rob Walton has stated this book would "never happen." Thank you for your consideration and suggestions.




  1. I think Paris Hilton "exposes" herself quite enough allready, thank you very much.


    Power to the people, Vive Chavez!!

  2. You could join a group, perhaps a yahoo group, that discusses issues like this. Check out this site and group.

    The New Agenda for America and the 2008 Presidency

    by Bruce W. Cain, Editor "New Age Citizen" (

    I spent some of my downtime authoring/producing this 8-minute video on the "New Agenda for America" -- perhaps one of the most progressive set of policy planks to ever be presented to the American people. If you agree with most of the agenda I encourage you to help this thing go "viral." Send this email to your friends; distribute the mini-flyers to as many Americans as possible. Here is the video rendition of the following discussion of the NAA:

    Subsequent videos will flesh out the various policy planks on Marijuana Re-Legalization, Universal Health Care, a Moratorium on Legal/Illegal Immigration etc. If nothing else I hope that the discussion of these needed reforms illustrates just how "out of touch" all 2008 Presidential Candidates are from the needs of the American People.

    Bruce W. Cain

    Editor, New Age Citizen

  3. Isn't it funny how in the 60's and 70's, America went on an all out offensive against communism.  Then, China begins producing cheap, usable products for our consumption based economy and we are immediately buddy/buddy with them.  Funny how things change.

    Now, to your question, you will never get a group of Americans to believe the same thing.... EVER.  Everyone in this country has his/her own opinion.  You may be able to start some sort of cult revolution, but in general, people do not respond well to a new leader, even if the facts are clearly laid out before them.

    Now, with that being said, there are over 100 million people who shop at Wal-Mart per week across the United States.  Even if your message reached 5% of those people, it would make a significant impact on Wal-Mart sales.  Though 5% may not sound like a lot, that's 5 million people.  Trying to convince 5 mil shoppers to do anything different than their norm would be difficult.  Most of those shoppers are dedicated Wal-Mart customers - disconcerned with any of Wal-Mart's "out-of-store" practices and only looking for the best deal.  Funny thing about loyalty - in the end, your only going to be loyal to one thing, and it's yourself.  People will always continue to shop there because of their "low prices."  No matter what Wal-Mart does with its business model, worker relations or private practices, it all boils down to how much bang the shopper can get for his/her buck.

    Now, about China, I believe it is physically impossible to do anything to disrupt the Chinese and their economy.  A) They are clearly too large and powerful now, B) doing anything to hurt U.S./China trade would completely disrupt our import driven economy, and C) what would be the point?  Would we benefit at ALL from pissing off the Chinese?  Absolutely not.  We are in NO position to begin any wars of any kind, especially with the most populous and productive nation in the world.

    Our economy is built on the principle of supply and demand.  We want something, somebody provides us with it, we buy it.  The only twist is cost and marketing.  Whoever can supply us with the cheapest way to get this thing and tell us where to get it, wins.  Wal-Mart does this very well.  So well, in-fact, many stores have attempted to capitalize on their business model.  Many have succeeded.  We, as Americans, are suckers for the best deal.  Until we can go back to the gold standard and start bartaring/haggaling again, get used to companies like Wal-Mart dominating the retail scene.  It's all a game and, even though they are slumping now (everyone is as our economy takes a t**d from the housing slump), Wal-Mart is has been and will continue to win this game.

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