
Who will hire at 15 years old?

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called mcdonalds movies and oldnavy, even jewel none will hire




  1. i know that ritters highers

  2. an idiot

  3. You have to get a work permit but YES, you can get a job at the age of 15. I work for the city and we hire teens every summer to work in various departments. Also check out the Chicago Park District. Next year...start your search earlier 'cuz the college teenagers come home for the summer and take alot of these jobs but I'm sure there are still some available...

    Mayor Daley promised 1,000 jobs to help get kids off the street also Gov. Blago just promised (I think 10,000) jobs for Illinois youth. Check these links...

    Work permit info here:

  4. get a workers permit and work at a farm or something. im getting a permit and working at gamestop hopefully.

  5. Try pizza places or the Y.  At pizza places, you can hang advertisements on doorknobs, and at the Y, you can be a swim instructor or a concession counter person.  Of course, this is just where I live, so I have no idea if you can find those locally.

  6. grocery stores-library-garden centers-animal shelters.

  7. janitor ??

  8. The guys on Dateline NBCs hit show "To Catch A Predator".

  9. A lot of times 15-year-olds can get jobs at more community-oriented places. Try a local Convalescent home or something similar.

  10. i dont think anyone will.

  11. how about helping out at a hospital?

  12. I know two 15 year olds who work at a taco time. Or a gift shop? Bus boy? If not wait till your 16 and find a job with a lot of perks.

  13. 15 is tough to find a job.  

    Newspaper delivery (I was 14)

    Lawnmowing / yardwork

    Amusement Park (I was 15)

          (sometimes they have vendors in the park that might hire younger people)


    School Cafeteria ?

    Try a small food place (not a big one like McDonalds)

  14. Try Publix or chick fil a.  the chick fil a where i'm @ will hire @ 14.  I don't know if all of them do that but you can try.  Keep in mind it is harder for teens to find jobs now because adults are beginning to take the jobs that teens usually take because of the bad recession.  It's hard for college students to find jobs too.  Now imagine teens.  I'm not trying to discourage you I just want to inform you.  You know?

    But yeah, try Chick-fil-A or Publix.

  15. PUBLIX

  16. self owned places  some burger kings will and snowie shacks

  17. i heard that bakeries hire @ like 14.

    idk if its like that at all bakeries or if it was only for like years ago, but try it!

  18. I don't see why they won't hire a 15 year old.  Maybe they don't think that a 15 year old will be responsible enough.  Get a job babysitting.  That is a great job for a 15 year old.  Look in the paper because someone may have placed an ad or look around.  You could hang up flyers or place an ad in the baby that you are looking to babysit.

  19. Subway hires 15 year olds. At least in Las Vegas.

  20. First of all you need to have your workers permit!!!  2nd you need to have qualifications for working there!You have to make a good resume!You need to seem some what qualified. Put your name and age what mayb some of your hobbies are diverse facts about you. Have you ever volunteered or worked at some place tor done anything that would help them want to hire you. 3rd you may not be able to get a job at this young. If you can't make your own kind of business! Such as babysitting, mowing lawns or yardwork, cleaning, dog walking, baking, anything that may get you customers. Then put up some flyers and see if you get calls. Just make sure you have enough time and are dedicated to doing all of this!

    I hope it helps!

  21. I have looked everywhere for a job and it seems no one wants to hire me because i have no prior experience. I am only 16. People tell me to keep trying. I am very close to just selling anything i can sell for the money i need. Like old electronics and cd's.

  22. no frills. and i think sobeys. and you cant just call them, you have to FLOOD them with resumes. cause mcdonalds hires anyone.

  23. Ckick-a-fila. I dont what state or city u r in so im not sure if they have one there but call 411 and ask. Good luck!

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