
Who will qualify from the Group of death?

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In the Rugby World up.

France, Ireland & Argentina are all in the same group.

Only 2 teams can go through to the next round. But with France being beat by Argentina in the first game, Ireland winning very unconvincingly against Namibia and Argentina almost failing to secure the bonus point against Georgia, its as if none of them want to qualify. Im sure it'll be easier to read into after France and Ireland play their next game. But at the moment who do you reckon will come first in the group and who will come second?




  1. I agree that it seems as though none of them want to qualify - but I think they're all looking at their pool tactically too seeing as the second place team in this pool will end up playing the All Blacks in the quarters...... I don't think any of them would want to be put into a situation of near certain elimination that early in the tournament.  I think they're all playing a game of chicken actually........ however although I think France still has the ability in this pool to come out top and Ireland second....... the surprise outcome could well be Argentina/Ireland into the QF Rounds.

  2. France and Argentina at the moment.

  3. My personal opinion is that France will fail to qualify. They demonstrated how vulnerable they are on Friday night.

  4. france and argentina....

  5. Argentina beats everyone with bonus point included....then plays with scotland, and beats them with difficulty, but goes to the semifinals and loose against All Blacks.

  6. This is still so very tough to call.  Ireland are smart enough to beat Argentina by not being drawn into their style of play, but then the Irish form, going back a few months, doesn't exactly lead you to believe they have a chance against a very determined Argentina team.  Literally no result would be a surprise.  Argentina could belt Ireland, it could be a nail biter that goes either way, or Ireland could rack up 50 points against Argentina and no one could say they are totally shocked.

    I think the bonus points are going to decide it.  All 3 of them will get 10 points from Namibia and Georgia.  I think that French, Argentine and Irish determination and pride will stop any team from scoring 4 tries against each other.  France got a crucial bonus from the Puma match.  I think France are going to play out of their skins against Ireland and Ireland may miss the close loss bonus.  If Ireland does beat Argentina, I think it will be a close one and Argentina will get a bonus.

    That will leave all of them with 1 loss but Argentina and France will go through with their bonus point.  If anyone is tied with another team, then I think that horrific performance by Ireland will prove decisive in the "for and against" race.

    I still think that France will finish first although this is ENTIRELY dependent on Ireland beating Argentina.  I have Argentina finishing second with Ireland just one bonus point short of the playoffs.

  7. The French will take all the frustration out on namibia this weekend they have made 12 changes which might not help if things go wrong again. they will get the bonus point from Namibia no doubt. although aganist ireland there will be bloody war cause if they dont qualify from the group then ........

    they bring back the gallows and public executions.

    Ireland will have to up their performance 10 fold, that display against Namibia was pitiful, everyone knows what the irish are capable of and that was not it.

    Argentina stuggled in the first half against Georgia but found form to pick up the bonus point in the second half, they dont have the same creativity in the backline like ireland or france on a good day. Against France they struggled to mount a significant charge. They have all the heart but still lack a team ability to build an attack.

    Its like you said no one seems to want it, you would think the argentinians had it pinned but a few changes and its a totally different ball game. Each team will struggle, Ireland and Argentina seem to get dragged down to a level of play that is poorer against weaker teams when the likes of NZ and South Africa rack up a cricket score.

    The French back lash will be 50-50 they will either destroy Ireland and pick up a bonus point and leave us with nothing or the other side is that Ireland find form and bring it to the french and before you know it the crowd is against them and things go wrong. The French struggle on the back foot, when their fans arent happy the team will struggle to find form.

    Im going to go for the major upset of the tournament and say that Ireland will top (only if they can find their way against Georgia and bring it into the French match with a point to proove that the bad matches were just a slump and are behind us now) and Argentina second to play the All-Blacks.

    i do believe in our boys (Ireland) making the semi, cant see any further than that but then anything can happen on match day. BUT ONLY if they play the way they can, one commentator said on the "Reaching For Glory" documentary that if ireland could bottle the atmosphere of the game against England they could beat any team on the day, i reacon its the same do-or-die that faces them against France and it wont be pretty but i do believe they will deny France the victory

  8. France will beat Namibia and Georgia, getting a bonus point (for scoring four tries) and beat Ireland.

    Argentina only need to beat Namibia to qualify.

    Ireland need to beat Georgia (with a bonus point) and possibly beat an already qualified Argentina (if they can't be bothered.)

    Argentina and France to qualify from that group

  9. Ooohhh, I don't know.   I think that all three top teams, when they are absolutely on, are near unbeatable, but I think that if the French don't recover from the shock of losing to the Pumas, then you'll have an Argentina/Ireland face off for top berth.  Argentina are certainly able to beat the Irish, but if Irelands' backline is absolutely on their game....I think we may see Ireland top their pool, provided their pack holds out.  (The Irish pack is certainly capable, so don't get me wrong.)  However, The French may come back, and if they are absolutely on, they are absolutely on, and there are few teams that can get in their way.  Otherwise, I think that at the moment it will be either Argentina or Ireland if the French utterly choke, which is possible.  I think between those two it's about 50-50, so it comes down to whatever happens.

  10. Whoever scores the most against Georgia & Namibia will go through.

    I can see France beating Ireland, and Ireland beating Argentina - that just leaves results against the "minnows" to split things up.

  11. Oh you said, the group off death!

    I think it will be down to the top 3 teams and which one of them  scores the most points against the minnows!

    Ireland was cr@p against the (alleged) worst team in the WRC, AKA Namibia!

    At the end of the day, the top home  teams have shown us rugger fans nowt to be in impressed with!

  12. argentinia and france

  13. I think France must go into the quater finals because its their world cup,if they don't they know they're going to be a laughing stock. Ireland and Argentina,they are almost equal

    but i think Argentina will be going through, because Ireland i think Ireland are overrated.

  14. a few essay answers here, ireland will only qualify if they win all thier games - thier points for and against will be less than than france and argentinas.

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