
Who will replace Heath Ledger as The Joker on the next sequel of The Dark Knight?

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Heath Ledger is the best Joker ever!!!,but he's gone and I feel sad.




  1. he is not going to be in the sequel hun xx  

  2. I think Steve Buccemi would make a great Joker

  3. I Really don't know, possibly the older jokers in the older batman movies

  4. Possibly Johnny Depp, he's versatile. I think he would be a great joker.

  5. they had started working on script before Ledgers passing that had the joker in it  but that has since been tossed . So it's unlikely that joker will be in the next movie . it is far more likely that Aaron Ekhart will return as harvey Two-face .  Also David Tenet and Angelina Jolie have each expressed Interest in playing The Riddler and CatWoman respectively  

  6. I heard of some guy but I don't remember his name but NO1 can EVER REPLACE HEATH♥

  7. I could almost see Brad Pitt playing Joker.  With his performance in 12 Monkeys and Fight Club, he probably could pull it off.

  8. I prefer to see a non-movie star or an A-list actor to be The Joker, Robert Knepper. You can see him in the Hitman movie and TV series, Prison Break. I mean, he looks a lot like The Joker we've seen on the comics with his facial structure and hairstyle. His character on Prison Break actually look a lot like Joker with those cunning, witty talk, wide knowledge of vocabulary talking.

    I prefer to see Johny Depp as The Riddler (comic version not Jim Carrey version) and as much as I love him I must say this. He's not actually that versatile as we thought he is. Yes he played a lot of character but most of the character kinda look the same and cliche' with the same 'weird' personality and looks. You will noticed this if you pay attention to his movie rather than been blinded by the media about his act. Remember the scene of Jack Sparrow at the beach where he was looking for the place he hide rum? He make a step walking like 1-2-3-4-5 and then open the door on the ground. That thing has been done by him on his previous movie, Sleepy Hollow when he's investigating the body that have been beheaded. Seriously, watch his entire movie and you'll noticed his role was quite the same and repetitive. I love his movie, I really do but I get annoyed by people thinking he gave us a different act on each of his movie. Somehow he used the same idea on his previous movie with his new movie and I think it's time he do something about that before everyone else noticed. You can compared him to Ledger, his role doesn't look the same on his movie. He has becomes a young romantic bad boy in high school to some g*y cowboy to the brilliant psychopath The Joker. Most of Depp movie was basically the same.

    Sorry about my long answer, just sharing some thoughts here. I love Ledger and Depp and I hope we all can see the next Joker on the later Batman movie.

    RIP Ledger.

  9. I know people want Johnny Depp to play the Riddler, but I think he'd be perfect to play the Joker.

    My second choice is Mark Hammil.

  10. It is too soon to assume that the next Batman film from director Nolan might feature the Joker. Some things can't be rushed, and big budget movies are among them. Have some patience, and you'll likely learn something factual in six months to a year, until then I would advise ignoring all rumors about future Batman movies.

  11. Johnny Depp; he is flexible. Ranging from the humorous Jack Sparrow to the serious and scary Sweeny Todd!

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