
Who will replace Tim Russert on meet the press?

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Who will replace Tim Russert on meet the press?




  1. No can fill his shoes.  Russert was a one-of-a-kind journalist.  If you can, watch Meet the Press today.  Brokaw is hosting with most of the regulars paying tribute to Russert's life.

  2. Sorry I've never heard of Tim Russert, but he sounds like he was a popular guy. I'm from the UK.

  3. today it will be tom brokaw and russert's chair will be left empty on the set.

  4. Meet the press is the longest running TV series of all time.  It will go on.  We all will miss Tim Russert and no one may be able to fill his place, but then again we should not expect meet the press to be the same in his absence it will be a new persons show.  My favorite Idea wold be to pick a super intelligent political junkie for the post the only one I can think of other than Tim is John Stewart.  We will all miss you Tim. Rest in piece.

  5. i would think no one

  6. Keith Oberman,or Chris Matthews

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