
Who will save us from devastation and humiliation?

by  |  earlier

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How long will it take to get this once great nation, Australia, back in shape, and restore some international credibility once this shady dork Krudd and his band of ex-union mis-fits have finished with it?




  1. chaos is the goal.  anarchy for all .. from which the NEW WORLD ORDER will rise.. much like hte plans for the third reich.. incidentally "former" n**i's started the NWO (the bush's)

    the us govt is already hijacked by them.. as you can see europe has already created it's union.. canada mexico and usa are talking about their union.. (but hiding this fact from the populations)

    in the end.. the NEW WORLD ORDER will come for you aussies too.. we will chip you.. to control you and track you.. and we will enslave you to the  one world corporate govt that will rule us all.

    no where to run.. no where to hide.. the new world order is coming...

  2. Are you living under a rock? This is the best international credibility we've had since Harold Holt!

  3. I think the problem is we all want someone else to save us. Sadly, it seems "they" instead just want to s***w us.

    People thought another 4 years of Bush wouldn't be that bad... who knows where we'll be 5 years, maybe part of the Asia Pacific Union with the billion Chinese able to move here freely, or the 240 million Indonesians able to work and live here... great plan Rudd, well done... but don't think the liberals will save us... Turnbill may cut taxes and ditch the queen, but then what? He's in favour of the union as well

    I say bring back fraser, h**l even Hawke could get pissed quicker then anyone else and that's got to be a winner at international meetings

  4. no-one, because i'm sorry to say that we let other countries

    push us around and wether labour or liberal are in government it will make no difference, they are all as bad as each other,

    they are only out for themselves, politicians have no idea how the

    average person lives, they don't have to choose the

    cheapest things in the supermarket so they will be able to put

    petrol in the car or clothe their kids', they don't know what

    it's like to struggle to keep a roof over their heads and unless

    by some strange hand of fate they never will, most people are

    to apathetic or have a "she'll be right mate" attitude to do

    anything about it, so i reckon it's only going to get worse.

  5. give it 3 months

  6. No one will. The world is about to fall apart. Australia is just one corner of it. The next few years, three or four, will be known as the time of confusion. People will be asking what is going on? What has happened? Then they will die. Get used to it.

  7. Someone with a heart for this land and the general common sense and guts to get the job done will emerge through the Coalition ranks to lead a strong Government and put it back in shape.

    However, by the time this fellow Rudd and his band of bludging no-hopers has finished with it, it will take some time.

    John Howard emerged to lead the country back into a financially positive position after Whitlam, Keating and Hawke had sent Australia broke and made us the laughing stock of the western world.

    It took a while, and having got things working well again, people with short memories voted his government out of office in favour of a boofhead for Prime Minister, a goose for a deputy PM, a bloke that cannot add up as Treasurer and a team of gravy-train riders for a Government.

    Just when we need experience and some people that care for our country to take us forward, we have got the Keystone Cops and The Marx Brothers in charge.

    Who knows how long it will take to re-build Australia when they have finished with it!

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