
Who will take our place on Earth when Humans become extinct?

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Who will take our place on Earth when Humans become extinct?




  1. That depends on WHY we become extinct. If it is due to global climate change, then those creatures that can survive the extreme cold and heat (certain archaea and bacteria) will survive.

    If it is due to extreme radiation, there are certain other creatures (I think roaches are one type) will survive. If it is due to lack of resources, certain specialists will survive.

    If it is as a result of a meteorite from space, bacteria can survive about anything. So, it's back to square 1 (or 2!)

  2. lol its kinda impossible for humans to become extinct becuz we humans are reproducing voilently these days but idk

  3. Cockroaches.

    Those b******s do survive EVERYTHING.

  4. are you serious? how the heck could anyone know that?

    but honestly, my opinion is that, if humans become extinct...its for a reason...the planet is no longer habitable. It could be nuclear war, or the sun frying the planet...but once humans are gone...I don't think anything will take the planet.

  5. cockroaches....sounds scary but they were here before us and they may probably be around after we cease to exist.....either that or twinkies =p

  6. when humans become extinct?

    you are thinking way ... too far into the future,

    humans will probably be extinct in 10's of millions of years,

    because the sun will expand an "gobble up "

    mercury, venus and earth, if the sun does not explode and cause all

    its ultra violet rays on us , then hopefully we will not become extinct

    that soon , they talk about moving us to mars :s ??

    and scientists think that aroound 100 light years away , there is a planet

    that is exactly like earth, same orbit length , it is just that the other planet earth get round the sun in just 4 days ! , well if that is another earth then

    hopefully there is exactly the same bacteria so humans may even well exsist there !!! so maybe. humans may never go extinct ...

    but to fully answer your question ,

    once we may have gone , the best odds are either cockroaches, or crocodiles,

    i know they sound weird but cockroaches survived the big one, they were here before us,

    and crocodiles , they were here same time as cockroaches and crocodiles used to live only on land, so they adapted to water, so maybe they can adapt again , one thing is for sure, crocodiles and cockroaches will more likely be on THIS planet for much longer than we will :)

  7. Dunno, chimpanzee's? they're pretty smart animals and uses tools already...

  8. small mamels, they made it through the big one, their live style hasent changed

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