
Who will turn out to be a better player at the end of their careers: Lebron James or Kobe Bryant?

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im no talking about now but at the end




  1. LeBron James by a lot....He already is the best player in the NBA

    But, neither one of them are going to be better than Iverson scoringwise. Iverson is 3rd all-time really second cause MJ and Wilt have a 2 way tie for first in ppg and AI is merely 6"0. Also AI in total points is higher than them and he is tied w/ MJ for most playoff points. So it is safely said AI is the best offensive player this generation while LeBron James is the best overall player this generation. Leaving Kobe just being a good player that folds during the big games.

  2. Kobe now but eventually LeBron... Done more at age 24 than Kobe has at age 24 and is on pace for even more stuff...

    Titles don't necessarily mean greatness people; look at the nba's greatest out there without a title





    Kobe has had a Shaq on his team; another superstar to pass to, someone capable of taking over when he had a bad night, someone who averaged nearly 40 ppg during one playoff run.

    LeBron is good but he has never had a 20 ppg scorer as a teammate during each of his playoff runs.  Ilgauskas averages about 15 and Mo Williams averages 17.  It's not his fault.

    Robert Horry has quite a few rings, but he is not better than LeBron or Kobe.

    If LeBron had a Shaq in his prime, he would win.  If McGrady had a Shaq to start his career, he would have rings.  Paul Pierce couldn't do it without Garnett and Allen.

    But this is still a long period of time...  Kobe still has about 3 years of greatness before his decline and LeBron has about 10 years.  We can't tell until it's all over.

  3. Lebron james. he is a leader, while bryant is just a shooter

  4. Hands down Kobe Bryant.  He has more rings and an MVP and will have more MVPs when it's all said and done.  Lebron has the stats, but so did Oscar Robertson, and nobody is saying that he was greater than the best of the best.  Robertson averages what Lebron is averaging and only managed one MVP and only one title.  That's where Lebron is headed.  Kobe will have more rings.  He's only 29, so he has 5 more good years at least.  That's probably 2 more MVPs.

    Outside shooting: Kobe

    Better Winner: Kobe

    Man Defense: Kobe, by far

    Help Defense: Kobe

    If this were a contest of who can drive to the basket better and shoot less than 70% from the line, it would be James.


  5. Right now, Kobe has the better team and can do more with what he has.  Lebron got Mo williams, but still needs another key defensive stopper due to the aging Ben Wallace.  Lebron could have better overall stats than Kobe at the end of his career, but Kobe would end up with more rings and maybe even a finals MVP.  Lebron will have every other record except a ring.

  6. LeBron James....

  7. Kobe until Lebron's defense improves drastically and he becomes a better shooter he will not surpass Kobe  

  8. Kobe because he is still up on Lebron 3 titles. If Lebron gets 2 or 3 and Kobe doesnt get anymore, then it will be more comparable

  9. kobe and lebron are arguably the best players now and kobe rite now is already in his prime..lebron has not yet reached his top prime but has many years coming up kobe is lik 5 years from the end of his career so i think lebron is gonna b better

  10. Kobe

    Next Kobe is Manu Ginobili of Spurs

    Lebron will be next Kobe

    Kobe is next MJ

    Next Lebron is Paul P from Boston

  11. well lebron is only 22 or 23. he is already averaging more points than kobe. and kobe has had to have a great center and good surronding players to be good. kobe is 30 so he is going down hill in like 3 or 4 years.  my verison is that kobe is a mini lebron james cause lebron is about 30 pounds and a couple of inches bigger than hi is.

  12. It will come down to titles.  Unless Lebron gets on a championship team, Kobe will one up him.

    Look at all the great players without titles and how they stack up with champions.

    Shoot, even Robert Horry gets more acclaim than some because he has so many titles.

  13. Is this a trick question?  

    We all know that if sorted by age, LeBron already own the scoring title.

  14. Kobe bryant, he still in his prime,, and has alot more to prove,,,

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