
Who will win BB this year??

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I like rachel but do not think she or sarah deserve to win

what about you?




  1. I want Rex or Darnell to win.  I would hate it if any of the other 3 won, although I think Mikey is fav, don't know why, he hasn't done anything in my eyes.

  2. I have no idea the ones i wanted to win have left like lisa and stuart,

    but I got a feeling Mikey or sara is going to win

  3. as long as rex or darnell don't win i'm not arsed! I'd prefer mikey to win though, he's hilarious


  4. ok... well I'm confused because I never heard of these people...

    But I think Mephis or Dan!

  5. rachel to win :)

  6. I think its a foregone conclusion...

    That Mikey will....

  7. rachel or sara but i'd like it to be rach!!!!!!

  8. I hope Rex or Darnell don't win it as that would be condoning their nasty behavior and their disrespect for Women. Sara to win because shes real and nice.

  9. who cares? its fake anyway.

  10. At the end of the day they are ALL playing the GAME i think the MOST genuine one who should have WON was LISA but the rest of them felt threatened by her and turfed her out


             WHO CARES  

  11. Memphis and Dan for Final Two!!!

  12. I'd like Rex or Darnell to win.

    I definitely don't want Mikey to win - especially not if its going to be due to sympathy voters.

    Rachel and Sarah do my head in too!

  13. Mikey or rachel will win with rex coming in third sara fourth and darnell last!

  14. I'd like Rachel to win,but it looks like it's gonna be Mikey.

  15. Rex, Darnell or Mikey, don't mind in which order, but would hate Rachel to win.

  16. got that is really difficult cause everyone is getting booed! i though that Kat had a good chance so was really surprised when she got the boot. i have a feeling that Rex will win! Either that or Darnell but with all the carry on with him having a bit of a go at sarah that time maybe he wont? i did think that sarah could win it but then i think the public wont like the fact that she is leading darnell on a bit at the moment. um yes i will go for rex to win, although i dont think he should!!!

  17. i hate mikey - he looks like an alien

  18. I want Rachel to win, but all bets are pointing toward Mikey right now.  I'll be happy as long as Rex doesn't win.

  19. Nobody deserves to possess such a large amount of money!! They are all FAKE PEOPLE!

  20. Apparently Mo got just under 2% of the votes the other night, and Kat got just under 5%...that leaves a huge margin to fill. Somebody must be walking it...I guess Mikey...

  21. I want Sara to win.

  22.   I would prefer Sarah to win!!! Mikey I will scream at the TV if he wins  

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