
Who will win between juan diaz and pacquiao. Just in case they fight.?

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Who will win between juan diaz and pacquiao. Just in case they fight.?




  1. Fo me paquiao would won against juan diaz. he is preparing for it. he really wants this day to come. and prove that he is a mexican destroyer.  but if pacquiao goes to 140 and meets hatton / mayweather. i doubt if he could win against mayweather. I think he could manage with hatton because i think they have the same fighting style but with mayweather? i think not. because of technique that mayweather weather has. thats why he's called "pretty boy"

  2. pacquiao will win in a distance juan diaz is a brawler power for power pacquiao is stronger, speed for speed pacquiao is faster pacquiao never slows down he got a lot of stamina and juan diaz dont have the ability of juan manuel marquez in counter punching

  3. Pacquiao will win.  No doubt.


  4. Juan diaz lacks power but makes it up by being a relentless punching machine and he is also better techanically then David . However, Diaz is not Juan Manuel Marquez. Pacquiao can move around the ring a lot better then juan diaz and I could see pacquiao doing the same thing that he did to david Diaz, moving in and out of the pocket and landing accurate flurrys.

    To me diaz is just a smaller ricky hatton, just slightly faster with a weightless punch.

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