
Who will win custody battle?

by Guest31720  |  earlier

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My ex-girlfriend recently had my baby boy. The baby was taken away from her before she left the hospital due to her "living conditions" (she lived with another family and babysat their older children in exchange for cheap rent), So they didn't think she would be able to handle the newborn along with babysitting the other kids. She's 19 at the moment, we all just found out that she has been diagnosed when she was younger with MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). She hasn't been able to hold a job and she can't live on her own (she's has a need to live with someone else she can depend on). Currently the child protection and social worker are working with her on the issue. She needs constant prompting to get anything done. My situation is I have been living at place (security building) for about a year, rooming with a good long-time friend Been at my current employer (call-center) for almost 2 years. I have history of drug use which I now no longer take part of since baby.




  1. Get a laywer, get the proof from these agencies, doctors and so forth and you should get custody. If things are as bad as you say then I would also start off with supervised visits for her, but do not try to isolate her from the child. Another option is to get custody and have her sign off on all responsibilityto the child if that is what she wants to do.

    Abvoe all do what is in the childs best interests as the child can not speak for itself. Good luck and contact a group called ADAM. this is a group dedicated to helping men with coustody issues. Should be able to google them.

  2. You have a drug history, girlfriend has MPD well as far as I am concerned the child should go into foster care til an a proper  home is found.

    I am sorry neither one of you are stable to raise a child.

  3. You will definitely need a lawyer - The living situation you describe sounds better than the mothers - but not perfect and in our sexist society this is the one place where woman have an edge both in bias - but also in programs and services available.  Your situation while stable is not necessarily great.  You don't indicate if you have been in trouble because of your drug use.  You don't indicate who this "friend" is and what your relationship is and if you are planning to stay with them.

    You would be better off if you were living with your parents and they were willing to help out, or you could live on your own (without the roommate).  It is not fair - but this is the reality.

    The court and social services will want to give custody to you if the former GF can't make the changes she needs to make - It is more than the living situation they are concerned with.  

    Some other questions to consider.  

    1) Who has custody now - if it is the former GF's mother and she is at all stable - that person will be who they give custody to.

    2) You will want to find out why they did not give custody to you at the first step here -

    3) If the child is in foster care - you need to know that they have started the clock on termination of parental rights so that the baby has a better chance of being adopted.


  4. It sounds like you habe a good chance of winning, especially if you can prove the drug part.

  5. welll as long as they drung test u now and its negative thast all that matters. u should try to get an apartment for just u and your child. but right now i guess u would get custody

  6. You would need to get in contact with social services. You need to take a drug test and you need to give the child the best life possible. It breaks my heart that a newborn is in state care... Bad bad things happen in state care. Please get going! You need to get that baby into your care. It will be HARD but your the father.

  7. In my opinion, the baby MIGHT go to you..

  8. If you get yourself a two bedroom apartment and show that you are stable and can provide a safe environment for the child, the baby will go to you.

  9. In my state mothers can do pretty much anything and still keep their babies.  But from experience with my in-laws, I can tell you that everything you said is in your favor.  However, get proof of everything.  You will need all the evidence you can get.  Anything that makes you look good and more stable for the child is great.  And get a lawyer.  He (or she) will be able to help you much more than we can on here.  Good luck.  Congrats on being sober.

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