
Who will win engage Super League this year?

by Guest34195  |  earlier

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Who will win engage Super League this year?




  1. Warrington wolves have got a good chance we have all the best players plus we don't cheat like St Helen's. BARNY ARMY HERE WE ***

  2. If you don't mind I will go with St. Helen's

  3. Saints will if they can perform against Leeds.  It seems that the Rhinos have an advantage that no other team has against the Saints.  Those people suggesting Warrington really need to up their medication.

    If Saints fall to Leeds, then it's either the Rhinos or the Bulls.  Wigan will not get close, nor will Hull.  I hope that either Catalan or London make the play-offs as that will be positive.  Alternatively Les Catalans getting to Wembley at the pie-eaters' expense would be a highlight for me.

  4. i would love to tell you but i don't know

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