
Who will win in a boxing match Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama?

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Who will win in a boxing match Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama?




  1. Barak "boom-boom" Obama by tko.

  2. I would like to see that happen. if only they could beat each other both into having brain damage

  3. Osama Bin Laden

  4. Round by Round Predictions:

    Round 1:

    Clinton comes out swinging hard like a wild man! Obama put on the defensive! Clinton corners him! Clinton's right hand keeps connecting at Obama's left eye! It seems Clinton is reliving the Monica Lewinsky years! Obama hurt but gets out the corner and stays up. The bell Rings. (Clinton 10-9).

    Round 2:

    Clinton comes out at a slower pace. It seems she spent a lot of energy the last round. Obama starts jabbing and connects with consistency as it looks like Clinton can't keep her hands up to protect herself. Obama's long reach seems to be establishing an advantage. Clinton's nose starts bleeding. The Bell Rings. (Obama 10-9).

    Round 3:

    Obama keeps jabbing though Clinton starts protecting herself more than she did the last round. Her nose is still bleeding. Oh my! Clinton connects with a counter punch! Obama's legs are weak. Clinton corners him again! Obama's left eye starts bleeding! Clinton punishes him as the round ends with Obama on the ropes! (Clinton 10-9).

    Round 4:

    Clinton comes out free swinging as she did in Round 1! Obama still on the defensive! His eye is cut and bleeding. Obama begins ducking Clinton's wild punches and begins to land body shots. Clinton slows down as it seems Obamas body shots are taken a toll on her. (Obama 10-9).

    Round 5:

    Clinton is quiet. She seems very exhausted. Obama carefully starts landing jabs. He also continues to hit Clinton with body shots. Oh my! Obama hits Clinton with a liver shot! Clinton is down! The refferee counts to 8. Clinton manages to get up. Obama with new confidence comes straight to Clinton but Clinton lands a powerful punch...Obama down! What a fight! Wait a minute. The punch was low! Obama on the ground. The refferee warns Clinton. Obama given a 1 minute rest period. Clinton complains. The fans boo her. (Obama 10-9).

    Round 6:

    Obama first throw is a power punch and connects as Clinton's head snaps back! Clinton falls back on the ropes! Obama is frustrated from the last round and seems to be taking his anger out! No mercy. Clinton is hit with punch after punch. The fans are on their feet. Clintons corner throws the rag. The fight is over! Obama wins! (Obama 10-8).


    Clinton complains about abuse agains women. Obama is sentenced to 10 years without parole. Clinton is elected president of the United States!

  5. Obama by d.q. Hillary would knee him in the nads.

  6. lance bass

  7. Boring!

  8. Surprise but my money would be on Hillary

  9. if it came down to knockout power then hillary clinton but if it came to speed barak obama hands down

  10. The Obamanator appears to be coming on strong, I think he is going to wear Hillary down and KO her late.

  11. the proverbial youth vs experience... clinton has the guile to go the distance, but if obama makes it  past the half way mark then it's anybody's fight,

  12. it would be a draw

  13. Hillary will be throwing those fast jabs and hurting Obama with her low blows. I go for Hillary Clinton KO with a beautiful left hook.

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