
Who will win in the groin fight?

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My girlfriend wanted to bet that it would hurt her less if she gets kneed in the groin. She told me that we should knee each other once in the groin and who is left standing wins. Do you think I will win? and why?




  1. Well with any luck significant internal damage will lead to both of you being infertile. Then score one for natural selection.


  2. 2 points.

    Your contest has no point. You both lose.

  3. There are no winners in a groin fight.

  4. ahh, the famous rho shambo-

    if you want to ever get inside her again, I would suggest NOT doing this with her no good can come of it.

    she WILL be hurt as women have sensative nerves there as well.

    my suggestion to you would be to play the "rho shambo" game with another guy friend, and in the immortal spirit of eric cartman,

    bet some money, maybe $1, whatever you are prepared to lose, and say "lets rho shambo for it"

    he'll say "what", you say, I kick you in the nuts, then you kick me in the nuts, then we keep taking turns until one of us can't continue.

    you say- I'LL go first, kick him in the nuts- then say "you win".

  5. I'm going to put my money on your girlfriend for obvious reasons.

    Unless there's something your not telling us and her about yourself, LOL!

  6. Girls kick assss at roshambo.

  7. you are practicing the ancient art of ROSHAMBO

  8. this is what you do. you knee her in the groin. then when she falls in pain you say " hey you were right , you win."  

  9. You both are stupid, but she will definatly win guys got sensitive balls, and gurls it hurds to get hit in the groin too just not as much.

  10. I agree with stslavick. hopefully you will do enough damage to each other you can't reproduce and continue your lineage.

  11. She will win.

  12. The answer here is that there will be no winners, because both genders are sensitive in their nethers. While guys are classically "more" sensitive south of the border, you will have more motivation to knee harder because of this.

    So either you win and she loses, gets PO'ed and leaves, or she wins and you have a ruptured nut... Again, I'll say, there are no winners here, no matter the outcome.  

  13. Firstest with the mostest will win.  Both genders have weakness in the groin.  Make no mistake about it.

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