
Who will win the 2008 presidential election and why?

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Who will win the 2008 presidential election and why?




  1. McCain will win because America will see how much a marxit Obama is.

  2. indeed, this country has had 8 years of failure so why vote for 4 more? MCCAIN 08!

  3. Obama. The dems had it made when Clinton was in office & started to just go about enjoying their life without worrying who our President was. He left us with a surplus in the billions after always have deficit with republicans....People are really counting on us to get Obama in office.There are too many people that have suffered these past 8 years.

    The military, katrina losses, financial losses, the patriot act, so many, tlosses. I saw a man on here when I was reading post early Sunday & he said Obama is a humble christian &  this man is a christian conscervative who said they are praying for Obama & he will win all the sstates in the south & W. Virgina...I think Obama is a blessed man & that is all that matters so I believe he will win....If you got to see the convention the dems had it was magnificent. Now watch the reps. & it is a disaster. They are showing people now & the body language tells so much. It will be about war. We can't get peace in life by war it is against universal law...the dems are loving people who are peaceful. We need that for prosperity & fairness. We need to give all humans a chance to live up to their potential & republcians just see everyone as competition.

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  5. OBAMA because he really cares about our great country. He's not running just for the notoriety of being President.  He's running because he sees where Bush and his Little branches have taken this country.


  6. Obama/Biden 2008.

    Because they are intelligent, hard working, American's who want to see great, wonderful things happen in this country.

  7. Obama - 8 years has been more than enough =]


    & as far as why - i'm guessing all the Republicans and independents will realize what a joke the McCain/Palin side is .. I mean really - the number of issues on their side is an unlimited number.

  8. Whoever get the most votes.... Duh!

  9. If it stays close to the end, then I have to say Obama. The reason why is that democrats are simply more passionate about voting for him than the republicans are of McCain. It was that way in 2004 only the republicans were more passionate about Bush than the Democrats were about Kerry.

    I voted for Kerry. I wasn't crazy about him but he was better than having 4 more years with a slow adult. This time it is different.  

  10. Obama, cause he has too many homboys.

  11. Obama.

    Eight years of failure is enough.

  12. obama.

    mccains campaign isnt doing too well

    he doesnt know how many houses he has

    he says the economy is perfectly fine

    and that americans are a bunch of whiners

    he obviously doesnt know whats going on

    and mccains biggest nono...

    is that hes a big george bush fan!

  13. Honestly, I believe that many Republicans in this country don't realize that they are Democrats, or should be. This nations needs a makeover. I love this country, despite its checkered past. I greatly appreciate capitalism, as well, but if we don't perpetually abandon the 'every man for himself' attitude that has lead the nation for the past 8 years, we will fall; slowly but surely (as evident through the loss power of the dollar). We need to pull together and invest in our home. We have every advantage and with the congregation that motivates us, as Democrats (on one accord),  we will recover from the damage done and emerge triumphantly. TOGETHER


    ...isn't the need for change obvious?

  14. From my point of view in the UK, i think the republicans will win because Obama is black, and he wants to pull out of the war.

    I don't see the southern states flying that flag.

    I think Obama should win, although I don't really like all his policies.

  15. Inside Info: Who will win the 2008 presidential election? Obama! It doesn't matter what it appears like at "any" point. Nor what he does or doesn't do. I know why for sure that President Barack Obama will take the oath of office. For why, please read excerpt of my book written some years ago that is all coming to pass. Go to: w w w NOBA Q DOT COM. Best to put in your browser, or try to click My site person was correcting spelling on a link, so it may say Under Construction, but check back very soon. Or

    still best to put in browser. Last time I clicked my link "here" it said that, but not elsewhere.


  16. In my opinion obama is going to win the presedential election because mcain is a republican who has a v.p with a teenager who is pregnant and obama isnt even making fun of it so Americans will truly in time see why obama should be the president of the united states

  17. not oboma

  18. Nate wonder will.

    Cause he rox

  19. i say obama because all of the emphasis for the "8 years" thing and the fact that the democractic convention realy made an influence to go to the democratic side.

  20. they haven't voted yet, no one knows who will win

    um because.. they don't vote till like... November 08

    can you see the future?? tell us who wins

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