
Who will win the 2009 Stanley Cup?

by  |  earlier

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Erica, due to moving across the country and to somewhere where hockey availability is limited, I can't comment on how Jagr and Drury played, as I couldn't see it for myself. But despite that, we all know how you feel deep down inside.




  1. Sydney Crosby

    Cuz he's like so good they'll make him a 1man team and he'll like score alot and play goalie too and he'll win everygame and be stanley cup champion cuz he's AWESOME

    If you haven't realized I'm being sarcastic. I'm Jacoby: Sabres and Red Sox fan

  2. Flyers=999999999   VS.    Pittsburgh [again] = -999999999999

  3. Every team has a chance to win the cup... except the Leafs

  4. Hi. i dont know u. or do i just not remember u? maybe i just dont know u. apparently u left for a while. i must have joined after u left. *puts out hand for handshake*. im an avs fan. and u are? a rangers fan? islanders? maybe sabres?

    in any case: despite who wins the cup in 09, bettman will unfortunately be able to hold it yet again, unless there is some sort of miracle.

  5. Who Else? but.........ME!!!!!

  6. Toronto Maple Leafs, Atlanta Thrasers, And LA kings

    ( I basically named all the sucky Teams that would never win the cup for another 100 years lol)

  7. WOAH! It can't be! But it is!

    WELCOME BACK MAN! I certainly missed ya!

    This is TBlightng btw. I decided to shorten my name to TBL.

    Come on, we ALL know this guy will win once again


    MIKE - True. I gotta give credit where credit is due. That was a great suggestion.

  8. Pittsburgh Penguins will beat the Detroit Red Wings 4 games to zero.

  9. Russia will win the Stanley Cup next year. Yes, that's right, team Russia will be allowed to play in the NHL next year. Take that you stupid IIHF Russia/North America transfer agreement!

    Good to have you back man, how have things been? I thought you died or something... lol


    David: that's good to hear, we were getting worried about you. Sorry about your Rangers btw.

    TBL: I'm the one that told you to change your name too, and it really worked out. Looks great on you, lol.


  11. you will win the cup

  12. The Toronto Maple Leafs will win their first cup since the stone age, or in other words, since Mats Sundine started playin for the leafs

  13. i care lol =)

    i want the sharks to win the 2009 stanley cup!! if not then i'd have to go with my second favorite team the penguins!!

  14. LMFAO @ cme!!

    i absolutely LOVE your answers!!

  15. Habs , this year was simply practice for the young players.

    This year, all-star games, 100th anniversary, and then the 25th cup :)

    (YN) I have BIG hopes!

  16. Peter Venkman just told me that he will be trapping some of the Famous NHL players that went missing (ghosts) in last years playoffs, esspecially The Finals.... so I think PITT will be without Malkin for the playoffs next year. So I have eliminated Pitt.

  17. Normally I would say "the dead horse" to any "who will win the Stanley Cup?" question being asked but I'll make an exception since I noticed by the other responses here that you are here for the first time in a while.

    I'm Howler and I'm a Coyotes fan. I lived in the NY area for most of my life but I moved to Arizona almost 8 years ago this August and I'll never live in NY again.

  18. JO MAMA or maybe Chris Pronger Just by himself.


  19. The Toronto St. Pats will bring the Cup back to Toronto!

  20. Dead horse will play the women's Swedish bikini team every year.

  21. Coyoes will.........................Or the Habs.

    It'll be a Habs/Yotes final!

  22. dude obviously this guy will win the stanley cup:

  23. Ducks will win it

  24. Welcome back

    I am always optimistic it will be the Canadien

    What the puck is with your picture of Derek "don't call me Beau" Jeter, this is the HOCKEY section

  25. Hey, just to let you know I am Teal Town USA...huge Sharks fan that has been a real regular since December ish. Though I got my badge taken away because I took 1 week off to cool my head after the Sharks lost and WHAM! GONE!

  26. Real:  Cup goes back to Detroit.

    Anyways, the team from Gondhar 74 looks incredible.  Thier center - Jweidnatswtiziniger 54 - has speed that can melt the ice.

  27. Hey! your back!

    well, i dont really care at this point but im hoping for the blackhawks. but if not either the coyotes or penguins

  28. Colorado avalanche

  29. PHILADELPHIA FLYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. who will win in 2009! I'm just getting over all of the "who will win in the 2008 stanley cup finals" questions and now i have to worry about who will win in 2009?!

  31. Anaheim, Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Calgary, Carolina, Chicago, Colorado, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Edmonton, Florida, Los Angeles, Minnesota, Montreal, Nashville, New Jersey, NY Islanders, NY Rangers, Ottawa, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, San Jose, St. Louis, Tampa Bay, Toronto, Vancouver, Washington.

    I have a gut feeling the choices are narrowed to them for who may win the cup next season.

    Or as Mike said, team Russia does have a chance...nice work! haha

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