
Who will win the AL batting title?

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I think it will be Magglio Ordonez of Detroit,who do you think




  1. I think Magglio as well. He's been picking it up as of late. If he doesn't get hurt, he should contend.

  2. Ian Kinsler



    Josh Hamilton

  3. No way, I say it is Ian Kinsler of the Texas Rangers. He is completely overlooked because he plays on the Rangers (Small Market Team)but what many dont know is that he led the AL in AVG for about a week and a half.

    Currently, he is .002 Points away from taking the lead in AVG again, He has 17 Homeruns, 70 RBI, 100 Runs, and is 4 Stolen Bases away from the league leader.

    Edit: ExtremeJeffHardyFan, Are you high on something? Mag has been producing these numbers for almost his entire career. Who was Carlos Quentin before this year? A nobody that is. He was stuck in Arizona and nobody knew anything about him. If there is one player who should be inspected fro steroids it is Carlos Quentin because of him having a year like this.

  4. I believe it will be Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees...why? Because when a player in an off year can still average numbers of that caliber what doubt can be left.  I believe he will finish the year with a .325 batting average, 130 RBIs, 38-45 HRs, and an overall great offensive years despite it being an off year for him.

  5. Dude, Carlos Quentin. s***w Ordonez, he took steroids.

  6. I'm a Sox fan so I've gotta go with YYYOOOUUUKKK!!!

  7. braun, hamilton and quentin all have a chance

  8. I want it to be Josh Hamilton so he can be the first triple crown winner in like 50+ years

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