
Who will win the a.l. central and why

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Who will win the a.l. central and why




  1. The Twins they have good starting pitching, a premier closer and a line up that is producing from top to bottom!!!

  2. the tigers

  3. Twins because they have been on streaks ever since b4 the all-star break. It took them a while to get used to everything cuz almost everyone was new, now they finally learned how to win.

  4. The White Sox, easily. They are holding the division up even with many injuries. When the starters come back, they'll pull even further ahead. The Twins is the only team that is in contention otherwise.

  5. White Sox. Good bullpen, good offense, just the overall best team of the division.

  6. Twins bcuz there better than the sox

  7. Detroit Tigers

  8. the twins

  9. The Tigers are the most talented and cream usually rises to the top.

  10. White Sox, been up there all yr, have slipped alittle lately due to injuries but got Jenks back and after getting Griffey, bye bye everyone else in the division.  

  11. I hope it's the White Sox. I also hope the Twins choke as the season comes to an end; too many youngsters on that team to be competitive.

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