
Who will win the election for president, Bristol or Rev Wright?

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Who will win the election for president, Bristol or Rev Wright?




  1. Lol, Bristol just opened her legs FOR HER EXCLUSIVE BOYFRIEND.  Rev Wright hates white people, oh yes and "GOD d**n AMERICA"  Bristol is getting married and is going to raise her daughter.  Palin should have been more open about s*x, I agree, but what 17 year old isn't going to have s*x?  Obama SUPPORTED the anti Americanism, and agreed with most of the stuff. Sarah didn't agree with the action her daughter made, but is being supportive.  TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SCENARIOS!

    Very mature... Going after a nominee's child now?  Wow, liberals have come to an all time low.  At least she didn't abort, like MANY liberals.  She is being mature, getting married to a man she is in love with, and going to raise her baby.  I highly respect her.

  2. Bristol, because the worst thing she did was get pregnant. Wright trashed America.  

  3. Probably Rev Wright.  Hannity talks more about him....

  4. Neither of them are running.

  5. I think most Americans will mostly consider only the top 2 on each ticket. All the other stuff  is just some good ol' fashion mud slingin' for entertainment purposes only.  

  6. mccain '08 or whatever your name is, This is a woman who one day displays religious exclusivity in morals and then the next lets her kid get into a pregnancy out of wedlock. I'm not surprised because babies out of wedlock and abortions happen all the time in the bible belt(the highest numbers in the world as a matter of fact).

    Chances are, she probably wanted to abort the child but her mother would not let her because there would be no way to win the evangelicals over after that. Also, I guaranfuckintee you that any marriage when you're 17 is not going to last and any kid you have is going to be ****** up mentally. I really hope you're not voting because saying something like that is just really childish and naive.

    When your kids are 17 you should have introduced them to CONTRACEPTIVES by then. If not, then I say shame on you and I say shame on her for not doing so.

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