
Who will win the elections?Obama or McCain?

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I wish there was a candidate better than those two. I dislike both.




  1. I agree but Obama is a bit more inspirational he speeches are WOW  just on that note i want Obama to win!

  2. Obama!

  3. I agree, I dont like either, but McCain is the lesser of two evils. He may be "McSame", but at least that means he wont ruin America. (I dont believe Bush did either. Everyones saying the war is awful and hes a d!psh!it, but have we had another terrorist attack?)

  4. Vote Republication: THE REAL PARTY OF CHANGE!!!

  5. mccain

  6. McCain/Palin 08'

  7. I'm voting for the green party...  I will have no part in American politics.  The candidates can give speeches all day long but I won't believe a word until I see them put in action.  It's so far beyond me that it doesn't even matter.  Maybe what this country needs is more people who don't vote until someone who is worthy of being the president comes along.  They only have power because we give it to them.  

  8. The person that gets the most votes.

  9. The Dems clocks are going to be cleaned.

    PRESIDENT McCAIN!!!!!!!!

  10. idk


  11. if i could make prophecies, i'd concentrate on the lottery numbers, which could actually make a change in my life.

  12. Obama and for the record experience doesnt always mean the best you can have all the experience in the world if your not determined willing motivated and have faith and believe in yourself and your dream it means nothing I have worked with PLENTY of people in the workforce that have more experience and education then me and others and they are still stupid and cant do a specific job and have no common sense, AGAIN OBAMA 08!

  13. this is gonna be the most interesting election ever and I am so looking forward to Nov 04, 2008.

    First I would like to see how Republicans Convention goes who will entertain us and of course all the speeches so on & forth.

  14. I think it is too early to tell.  I think they will be neck and neck right down to the last batch of votes provided one of them doesn't do something incredibly stupid.

    I agree with you on not strongly liking either.  Sure they have their differences, but in the end they are both rich politicians.  

  15. just becasue mccain chose palin as his vp today obama and biden will win.


  16. I hope Obama. We can't have another Bush.

  17. I was hesitant to support McCain myself.  But with a great person like Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice-President of the United States, President John McCain will win the election!

  18. I am a Hilary supporter who before she spoke on the DNC I was just going to stay home. Now I feel compelled to vote for Barrack, because of what she said. She didn't fight all those months for us to throw everything she fought for and give the republicans another four more years. And since we don't have a moment or vote so loose, I'm voting Obama. Under no circumstances would I vote republican NO way NO how NO McCain.

  19. It's AMAZING how lots of you are hooked on SAME OLE SAME OLE didn't your parents teach you that change was good for you? Hmm let's see since you dislike both of them so much and you wish there was a better candidate why don't you ponder on this thought. Vote for McLame the same as before seen it before 8 years of continuous downspiral of America or here is a biggy...think you can handle it? REACH FOR A CHANGE and vote OBAMA with 4 yrs to change the lame game give it a try if nothing goes your way go on a limb and vote whatever you want in 2012!


  20. Well i was starting to like McCain but just for a few . But now that i see what a user he is getting that woman as vise president im back to Obama . I hope everyone can see that he is just using her just like he plans on using us . To me that was a slap in the face by him thinking americans are that gullible for us to think he really wants her as vice president . What is that old fool thinking ?  

  21. are you kidding? McCain......even senator Biden said Obama is NOT qualified!

  22. This is what I think will happen.  Do not read into it whether I want this or not.


  23. McCain lost the election today.  What a mistake in his choice of vice president.  Ugh.  How does a 72-year old pick someone who cannot be president.  He's done.  If he lives through two terms he would be 80 at the end of his second term.  By them she could have 5 more kids.

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